Monday, April 12, 2010

Acing the Class

By: Mai-Gao X.
Do you ever have a hard time staying up to date with your classes? Having trouble focusing on your work while playing games? The answer for your problems is right here! While playing games ur attentiveness is reduced to a small amount. If a student knows what he or she needs to do and can organize his or her time efficiently success will come to you. With my five step crash course you can set your goals to guide a path for success. These tips to success are important for acing the online and daily classes you have:
  1. Stay focused: When a student stays focused he or she tends to get things done quicker, and understand what is going on.
  2. Be responsible: Give up your shopping time or your gaming time to work on your class because it is WORTH IT!
  3. Set time intervals: Once a student gets accustomed to his or her assignments, start setting a time period for him or her to finish their work
  4. Be prepared ahead of time: If a student knows that he or she cannot get something done in time ask for extended time and try to catch up because once they are behind it gets harder and harder to catch up. Many students have encountered this problem.
    I take a class and I see other students struggling just to catch up and I see other students who just give up on it despite their grades.
  5. Stay organized: Organize your things in a certain order. Write notes and reminders using sticky notes. Having everything ordered and labeled for you gets
    you to save time, accomplish everything, and find things easily.

There are many things that tutors stress to you, but the main guidelines that can keep your grades and attitude up are listed here.Be sure to understand that this is a statement not a fact. There are trillions of people out there that may think differently and tell you differently, but here are some tips to succeeding an online class


  1. Great online learning tips! Thanks for sharing :)


  2. Great suggestions! This is very timely information for students returning from Spring Break. Many students have "spring fever" and need to remember their goals. Thank you for sharing these great insights!

    Mrs. Deborah Campbell
    CTE Co-Department Chair and Instructor
    North Carolina Virtual Public School

  3. #4 is so important. I always tell my students to work ahead whenever they can because you never know what might come up.

    May I add a #6? Just Do It! The longer you put your class off the bigger the tasks will seem. Time spent procrastinating is wasted time.

    Thanks, Mai-Gao!

    Mrs. Pullen

  4. I like all of these tips. They are all so true and very useful! Thanks so much! :]

    Kellie Belk

  5. Great tips. I agree that staying focused, being organized and working ahead of time assist you to complete your goals on time. Also, something that helps me is a self-reward system in which after completeing my course work I then do the activities that I wish to do outside of school.

    Chris M. - C.Pullen - Small Business/Entrepreneurship

  6. time is a big thing on my shoulders so reading this and seeing those 5 easy steps to having better time i'm most def. going to use that without a doubt not only in school and class but also when i find myself time struck in other things. GREAT ADVICE! THANK YOU

    -DESIRE'E P.

  7. All 5 tips provide a great outline for a student to be successful. I think the main one out of the 5 is "Be Responsible" it is truly up to the student.
