Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Have No Fear! Time Management is Here!

By Isabella S. 

Deadlines can be hard to keep, especially if you don’t have a teacher telling you to submit an assignment every day. This is where time management comes into play! If you can manage your time wisely, avoid procrastination, and keep a regular schedule, online classes will become abundantly easier! This may seem like a difficult task, but with three easy steps, you can take charge of your workload and submit assignments on time.

Step 1: Commit.

The first step of becoming a time-managing wizard is to commit to deadlines and WANT to do your best. You must have a desire to achieve. Ask yourself: Why should I commit now? Every student has a different reason that pushes him or her to stay on track. For some, it may be to allow more time to other activities, such as sports, academic teams, and clubs. For others, the idea of earning a higher education and knowing that every grade received in high school affects their chances of achieving in this area will push them to submit assignments on time. Lastly, some students simply want to free themselves from the stress and anxiety that can come from falling behind.

Whatever your reason, you must understand that online classes will take commitment in order to help you steer clear of procrastination. If you are not sure you are ready to commit to your class, talk to your teacher and ask them what is expected of you. Knowing what your teacher is asking of you is extremely crucial. Make a list of your goals for this semester and what you want to gain from the class; this may be a particular grade, knowledge in a certain area, or completion of all of your assignments. Whatever your reasons for commitment and goals are, time management can help you steer clear of procrastination.

Step 2: Plan.

The second step for taking control of your online classes, and probably the most important, is to plan. Developing a schedule is essential to turning in assignments before or on the due date. Try making a list of the assignments that you need to work on by breaking them down into simpler tasks. For example: If you have to write an essay on zombies for your biology class and the paper is due in two weeks, you can dissect (excuse the pun!) your project into multiple sections and give yourself shorter work periods so that the assignment becomes less mind-boggling. You can allow yourself only a week or less to complete research- that’s the beauty of time management! You can customize your deadlines, as long as you pledge to keep them. You can decide to give yourself five days to conduct your primary research. You can choose to finish your introduction and conclusion in three days, and your body paragraphs in four days. Suddenly, this monumental task has become three smaller projects that are easy to complete within the time period.

One important element that you must remember is to always finish your assignment at least a day in advance. This will give you flexibility and an opportunity to allow others to review your work. Another important part of planning is looking at assignments ahead of time. Open the Pacing Guide for your online class and look at the work that you think will take the most amount of time. Keep a planner that includes all of your assignments that are due and ask someone you can trust to remind you in case you forget. You could program your phone to send you an alert when it is time to start working on a project. Make a plan, and everything will be much easier!

Step 3: Do.

You must follow through on all of your plans or nothing will ever get done!  If you have decided to spend a certain amount of time on an assignment, you must act on this decision. Sometimes this involves rescheduling personal events and/or missing them. A great tactic to use is to look ahead at the time you have scheduled to work on your assignments and treat it as an appointment that you must keep. You must learn to say “no” to friends and interferences.

One easy way to avoid wasting time is to remove distractions. Turn off the television, cell phones, and social media. Find a quiet place with adequate lighting, minimal distractions, and seclusion. Go ahead and remove the issues that may call for a break. Eat a snack ahead of time, start with a sharpened pencil, and collect all of your materials. When you start with everything laid out and ready to work with, you avoid stopping in the middle of your studying.

Now it is time to get to work! Throw yourself at it and do not be afraid to ask questions. Find a nice stopping point by looking back at your plans and by seeing how much time you will have left to finish the assignment. Continue to keep your commitments and plans, and… Voila! You’re on track to an A+ performance!

Image: NasimAhmed96$ [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons


  1. Isabella, wow! This article is so helpful and practical. I will be sharing your article with my students. You have provided our students with a prescription for success. And the best part...it comes from a fellow student! Not a teacher or a parent, but a peer. That source for advice carries much more weight. Thank you for taking the time to share your success tips with others.

    Ms. Seastrunk

    1. I am so glad that you find it helpful! I hope this article provides many students with practical tips that will help them succeed!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Isabella, what a wonderful guide for online and face-2-face students to be successful. I am going to share with my students as you have some great advice from your student view. Thanks for the insights and being a part of the Peer Tutoring Center. I appreciate all the help you give! Ms. Loudermilk

  4. I love this guide! Three easy steps that can be applied in every aspect of learning and life! I hope you don't mind me sharing this in my f2f setting after we return from Spring Break.

  5. This is a fantastic posting!

    So many students, across all grade levels struggle with effective time management. You have laid out an informative piece that will facilitate student's thinking about how to make the most of their day, by effectively managing their time. I love that you have broken the process into three steps, helps students to begin thinking about the specifics for what they need to do, to truly manage their time.

    Thanks for your insights!

  6. Such a great article! I will probably be passing this along to my students. I think the most important point you made was about deciding WHY a person is committing to doing a thing. If someone doesn't internalize the why, they are never going to follow through. I applaud your insight. Also, this was a very beautifully written piece.

  7. This article is extremely helpful. Often students wait until the last minute to complete assingments. Helping them to understand the importance of time management is one of the goals we as teachers ultimately want students to understand. This is article is quite timely! No pun intended!

  8. This article was very insightful and contains so much quality information. I'll be sharing your thoughts with my F2F classes and I'm sure they'll get something out of it. High schoolers have so many activities and commitments on their plates in today's society, knowing how to manage time and achieve goals is paramount to their success.

  9. This article was very insightful and contains so much quality information. I'll be sharing your thoughts with my F2F classes and I'm sure they'll get something out of it. High schoolers have so many activities and commitments on their plates in today's society, knowing how to manage time and achieve goals is paramount to their success.

  10. This article is fantastic! The thoughts that were shared apply to students and adults alike. We all sometimes struggle with prioritizing our time, and I think the suggestions from this article are a great reminder to commit, plan, and execute on time! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Do we really have no time to do something? Or we just waste too much time doing other things we should not?

  12. I appreciated your article on time management as this is something everyone in society must learn, and the earlier the better. Habits are made regardless of our actions, thus bad habits are just as easy to create as good habits. Time is a limited resource, and a very scarce one now that we have a society that needs to be entertained 24/7, 365 days a year. Phones are always with us because we always "need" to stay in the know, however the ability to turn off and to disengage from wants to focus on our needs is a vanishing ability. Students need to learn time management skills and teachers need to help them with this by modeling good techniques.

  13. It seems that with the increasing number of distractions our students face, the mofre important this article is. Well written.

  14. Great article. This was good reminder for me too, and I am old. :) I think time management is something we have to relearn in different situations as we age. Thanks for posting!

  15. Caroline GreenoughJuly 3, 2016 at 9:25 PM

    Excellent advice about time management!!! Time management is the key to being successful in school. So many students do not manage their time well enough to be successful in their class. Great article to pass on to students!!!

  16. Great advice! I like that it only contained 3 steps. Sometimes these articles over complicate things. From my experiences the hardest part is the "do". Some many students have the best of intentions yet not the follow through.

  17. This is a great article! Three steps is the perfect amount and not overwhelming. These steps are easy to adapt to any online class, face-to-face class, or any other situation. Adults should read this too!

  18. I enjoyed reading your article. I loved that it was aimed at online classes, but it can apply to so much more! Time management is one skill that can really further your education and career. You did a great job motivating me and I am a teacher of an online class!

  19. Time management is very important with online classes because you will have a certain time to have a assignment done. It will be easier if you commit to doing the assignments at a certain time every day so that you won't forget to do the assignment or procrastinate doing the work. If you get it done on time you wont have the stress that comes with getting behind in a class. It will be important to use your time wisely because you have a certain amount of time to complete assignments and there's no going back with a online class. I have had previous online classes and getting behind is the worse because it seem like you'll never catch up. Managing your time is very important with any case; you shouldn't waste your time because you cant get that time back.
    -Shonesia Jones!!

  20. I enjoyed reading this article because I found it to be quite helpful. I appreciate the strategies you listed such as cutting out interferences and breaking down large assignments. I know that I typically get overwhelmed with large assignments, so I will be sure to use the methods you suggested. Also, I was interested in what you had to say about having something to commit for. I strive for high grades so that I can continue playing sports, and to please my parents and myself. With this year being my first year as a freshman, I am striving to remain calm and organized. I will definitely try to turn in my assignments a day earlier, as you said, and also plan ahead for assignments. I know from experience how hard it can be when you fall behind, so I plan on always being on course with the curriculum. Thank you for sharing these strategies with us.

  21. I really enjoyed your article for a few reasons! One, I am a teacher getting ready to teach online and your article gives me insight into some strategies that will work for my students. I probably would not have thought to suggest to my students that they could set an alarm on their phone to remind them to start an assignment or work on a specific aspect of an assignment. Thank you for that idea! Two, as I am starting this new adventure of online teaching, it is important for me to have great time management too! I appreciated you giving 3 steps and also giving examples of how to manage bigger tasks, or tasks that may seem overwhelming. I hope that many students read this because you gave really great information about time management. Great job!

  22. I like this article, especially the helpful tips it gives. it gives great info of how to take down big tasks and assignments.

