Monday, March 21, 2016

Writing an Argumentative Essay

By Isabella S.

This is a basic overview of the parts needed in an argumentative essay. 
Pause this video for optimal viewing. 
For extra help please visit this link:


  1. I like this refresher or review for students writing an argumentative paper. It highlights all key points for constructing and also a reminder at the end to cite your sources.

  2. This is such a great review for students! Argumentative writing can be difficult for many students who do not recall or have been taught how to use evidence and citations to support a claim or thesis statement. Great resource for students!

  3. This is a good website that has a good video. The video is very educational and helpful on writing an argumentative essay.

  4. This is a fantastic resource for students. In the traditional classroom teachers do not have time to teach the basics of writing because the curriculum does not allow for it. This will help students by highlighting the key points of a thesis.

  5. Love this resource. Students can always use visual reinforcement for what is being taught in the course.

  6. Great Overview! This is one of the most valuable skills students that wish to enter college can gain. My son had a Social Studies teacher that had a law degree also, she drilled them on DBQs/argumentative writing daily. He was so tired of it and really struggled, UNTIL the day of his SAT test - the essay question was all about an argumentative essay on Revolutionary war, his favorite subject. He would not have done well without this necessary skill! Great to know we have this resource available to all students that need help!

  7. This is a fabulous resource and refresher for students! Very helpful!

  8. Nicely done! The information was very concise and well-placed. This is good as a visual resource for students to make a connection with their work, and more importantly, form questions they might not know they have.

  9. Quick, informative, and clearly stated. I appreciate your attention to the bibliography/works cited piece as well. I think the best thing that you did was give Purdue OWL as your remediation site, and then you also directed students to pause the video for the best viewing and learning opportunity.

