Thursday, January 25, 2024

Schooling and Artificial Intelligence


  1. This is such a great infographic! I agree that AI is a tool which can be very helpful to education. It is important for students to learn to use AI responsibly because it is not going away any time soon.

  2. I agree with that. Ethical use of AI is crucial. We need to carefully consider how we use it. AI has a big impact on education and creativity. It's important to focus on its positive aspects.

  3. This was an informative article. As AI is here and will remain here I agree that we need to help counteract it's misuse by learning how to use it productively to enhance and support our learning

  4. AI is a growing area of concern in the field of education, however, it is unavoidable due to the overwhelming use by students and other adults/professionals. I feel the strength of AI is a great way to support students who have learning disabilities and can be used to clearly and quickly demonstrate how to expand or broaden their thoughts and ideas. It can be misused, but I feel the misuse is due primarily to educators being afraid to embrace this new way to gather and share information opposed to teaching students how to properly use AI tools and make it a part of the curriculum. We are afraid of what we do not know or what is different from or contradicts what we have done as educators for years. Welcome to the future because it is here now! Teach skills not fear or punitive consequences for AI. I appreciate how this article shares ways to use AI ethically and overall in a positive way.

  5. Teachers need to create assignments that are more IA proof, so students don't instinctively try to cheat because there are no methods to prevent cheating.
