Friday, March 15, 2013

Pick Two: Sleep, Social Life, or Good Grades

By Grace G


If you haven’t already reached it, it’s almost that point in high school (most likely junior year) when you will be bombarded with AP classes, college admissions testing, sports practices, club activities, and responsibilities. Time management is a skill that you need to have in high school and beyond (especially in college). As a student at the NC School of Science and Math, this weird triangle is something I face every day. Living on campus means that I have access to a social life every hour, but it also means that I have to balance friends and campus activities with a challenging workload and still have to get enough sleep to not look like a zombie. The majority of my peers would agree that you can only have 2 things on the triangle. But don’t worry; there IS a way to get all 3 points on the triangle!

Every single person in this world has the same amount of time each day (24 hours), yet some people struggle to get 2 points on the triangle, while others can live happily with everything.

The secret is to improve your self-management and discipline. This means that you will have to be aware of the time you are spending on each point on the triangle, and learning how to discipline yourself to set enough time to do each thing.

So imagine that you're someone who has good grades, a social life, but not enough sleep. What we don't realize is that it’s not only grades and socializing that compete for our sleeping time, but also our leisure. In a world of Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, and other amusing but time-wasting sites, we don’t realize how many hours we are spending in our leisure time that we could have put towards sleep or studying.

Now I’m going to look back to my 1st trimester of junior year at NCSSM. Having some friends right across the hall or just a two-minute walk away is amazing. Living in the residence halls is nice because you can ask anyone what is going on inside or on and off campus, and you will always find something to do. I did waste time watching TV shows on Netflix and chatting with friends on Facebook, but after I realized that my grades were slipping in the first half of my junior year, I forced myself to concentrate on studying and doing homework so I could at least get 6 hours of sleep a night. I started doing more work over the weekend and socializing more over the weekends instead of on schooldays. I had all A’s 2nd trimester and I have a nice social life. Just the other day, I had to turn down an offer to go to the mall and decided to start studying for an upcoming competition. I wasn’t too upset; there will always be time for shopping later.

This may sound dorky, but using a planner and calendar really helps. Mark down all of your major assignments/projects/quizzes/tests down on your calendar. Use your planner to write down homework, study sessions, club meetings, and sports practices. Put post-it notes around your desk to remind yourself to do something. If you manage your time well and don’t procrastinate on major projects, then you will get enough sleep, or at least you won’t look like a zombie every day. You may sound like a “loser” when you turn down a friend’s offer to watch a movie, but if you have a project that is halfway done and due the next morning, you better stick with doing the project so you don’t feel guilty about a bad grade later on. Develop better study habits, stick to a schedule, plan fun activities for the weekend, and then sleeping time will fit in easily.

The point is that in order to have all 3 aspects of the triangle you need the self-management skills and discipline to prioritize your activities and cut out the things that aren't important to make time for the things that are. Watch the TV shows that interest you, but be wary of how much time you’re spending. It's about prioritizing the important things in your life, and then having the discipline to do first things first, without falling back into the routine of spending time on things that aren't as important.


  1. When taking online courses, time management is the ultimate key to success. I like that you emphasize the discipline that is involved in managing time in your article.

    1. No doubt time management is a skill that needs to be learned early for all students to become successful academically. Balance is the key and parents also need to understand how important this factor is.

  2. I'm a zombie :( This was amazing! It really helped me see where I'm going wrong. Off to APCS!

  3. It is really hard to balance social, school, and rest at this stage in your life. I think that looking at the "big picture" and determining where you want to be in the next few years will help you focus and make good choices.

  4. I love this! It is a great way to look at all the things going on in our lives and know that a balance can be reached!

  5. I like the visual reference to use to organize yourself and manage your time. There are always trade offs but it pays off in the end.

  6. As a teacher, I found your post very insightful...did you just have an epiphany about what you needed to do to "have a life" or did a teacher help you? Just wondering how I could help my own students with this issue.

    1. Hi!

      I remember my academic adviser at this school meeting with me and specifically telling me what I needed to do to balance my life here (she graduated from this school). This was after 1st trimester midterm reports came out and I only had one solid A out of four classes. I didn't realize that I was doing something wrong until she had this meeting and told me everything that I needed to do in order to succeed at this school (she is an alumna). Some of my peers and I don't realize what we need to do to get good grades until we make a mistake that will wake us up. You can help your students with this issue by offering them tips and useful advice. One-on-one talks are the best because you are speaking directly to the student and your words will carry more weight and meaning. Beyond that, it's really up to the student to take action or not.

    2. Right on point! The key is creating a "to do" schedule and then prioritize according to due dates and importance. Set a daily time to complete the items, on your "to do" list and stick with it! Creating the habits can make all the difference.

  7. This is such a great balance!

  8. Grace - this is a great article! Balance is the key to everything and especially taking a class online.

  9. I think this article hits home to many. This is a great wake up call to help students understand that balance is key and sometime you need to make a choice to better your grades and that it is okay to study versus have fun every night. I like that a student is giving this advice because it makes it easier for students to relate.

  10. This is especially true this time of year as Spring Fever begins to strike and students find other temptations and distractions, not to mention the end of the school year, to keep them from focusing on their studies and good grades.

    1. Thanks for reading this! You're right; Spring Fever is sometimes also made worse because many competitions, school events, and college standardized testing happen in the second half of the school year. Competitions mean missing days of school and studying for things other than what's being taught in class. It's also really easy for students to get distracted by important social events such as prom. Sometimes us students just need a little reminder that it's still important to focus on our studies and give one last final push until we can finally relax during the summer.

  11. "The secret is to improve your self-management and discipline." I think this is a brilliant way to summarize what most students (and many adults) are lacking in their day to day lives. Thank you for the clear examples and explanation!

  12. I loved the self-management reference instead using the phrase time management. This is a very relevant article about prioritizing our activities, not only for our students, but also for us as teachers.

  13. I applaud you for showcasing one great strategy that almost never fails if consistently used which is the use of a calendar. There are so many ways to use it -- digitally (which can sync amoung different products), paper copy of a schedule, printed monthly copy, or even a desk calendar. This will truly help with the prevention of procrastination. If you can self manage then you would be on your way to a successful year!

    1. Thanks for reading! A good idea is to encourage your students who are smartphone or tablet owners to download productivity apps. Students carry their smartphones around with them all the time. Why not make good use of free reminder, to-do, calendar, or timer apps?

  14. Self Management and Discipline. This is very important for all of us, especially students. I find that making a to-do list for the day helps me to be focused on the priorities of the day and make it more likely that I will complete those tasks.

    1. I am a big fan od to do lists. It helps you to remeber what you need to do and then yes prioritize them.

  15. As a teacher, I try to remember that students do need to "have a life" and be understanding when life causes extra stress to balance everything. It really is a matter of time management and prioritizing. Every semester, I have students who wish they didn't procrastinate and your strategy could be helpful to them to see what they need to focus on and when.

    1. Yes, you're absolutely right! But I find that there's a fine line between "having a social life" and having too much fun. Having fun with friends is a great stress reliever, but then there's even more stress when a student comes back from the bowling alley and realizes that she has a paper due the next morning. I always limit the number of times that I go out with my friends each month, and adjust the time spent with my friends based on my workload and other academic obligations. Flexibility is important!

  16. Time management is something that is SO important to learn now before you go to college. If this is something you struggle with, but you have friends that excel at it, ask them for tips and try out some of what they suggest to you. Find things that work for you and your strengths!

  17. Calenders/Planners are wonderful & with Smart Phones, easy to organize! I am hopeful that students will use them to help with time management.

  18. This is a very realistic and manageable view of college life.

  19. As a teacher at an early college, I am thrilled to read this. I try to teach my students these lessons, but sometimes it takes another student who has it "figured out" to help others learn ways to manage their time. So often I hear them say they have to sacrifice their social life or sleep, when really a few tweaks here and there would allow them to get all three in. I especially love the tip about cutting out the things that don't matter as much to focus on working and then making time for important things later. These are tough lesson to learn and your tips are fantastic. I will be passing this blog post along to my students who are gearing up to take AP exams soon!

    1. Thank you for reading this and for sharing with your students!

  20. Grace-Great article! This is definitely something that I believe all people have to learn at some point in their education. I am currently a teacher, but I remember running into this when I was a freshman in college--away from home for the first time. My brother, who also attended NCSSM, took a while to learn it as well. I try to emphasize these facts that you have written about to my students--but somehow, coming from a peer is so helpful! It is encouraging to me to know that such great examples are serving as volunteers for the PTC. Keep up the good work and keep sharing your gifts and knowledge! :) Good luck in our studies!

    Mrs. Partin

  21. Well done, Grace! Balance in life is key, no matter what people are juggling. The 3 points of your triangle are targeted perfectly to the h.s. audience, and it's good for me to remember that students have a life outside of my class. After all, I do! Thanks for putting this all in perspective.

  22. Moderation in all things is a very difficult task to accomplish. As more and more priorities take over our time, we find we have less and less time to do the fun things we want to do. A sound piece of advice I've heard is to actually schedule time on the planner for you and stick to it as if it were an appointment or as important as the other tasks you're accomplishing. Of course, you reach this point only after you've truly begun to make work/obligations a priority in the first place like Grace suggests.

  23. This is a fantastic article. I love the idea of stepping back and really evaluating where the time is spent. We might think about it now and then, but the visual of the triangle and balance is so important! There is just simply too much going on social media, etc. It becomes addictive. The sleep issue is such an important piece of all this! Young adults are deprived; I am convinced. I hope everyone gets to read this article!

  24. This is a great article! Even as an adult it is hard to balance work, social life, sleep AND family! If students can learn to balance their lives now it will greatly benefit them in the future!

  25. We all need to balance our lives and with today's Smart Phones...I know there is an app for that! Schedule Planner by can be found in the Google Play Store. It is an amazing app and will help you manage and schedule your time on the run. :-)

  26. Having a planner is the start of being an organized "life long learner." It doesn't matter what form the "planner" takes: pencil and planner or a virtual planner. Whatever works for the individual. I am glad you make mention of this wonderful tool, Grace. Your peers will most likely take your advise over their parents or teachers. Great job Grace!

  27. I need to find my sticky notes and start putting them on my desk and my desktop! Thanks for the idea and great article!

  28. Grace, you have done a great job analyzing and providing suggestions for how teenagers should handle juggling many aspects of their life at once. As an adult, I can relate to the need to juggle such things, although the labels are different! Fantastic job. I am proud to have had you as an Anatomy student!

  29. Grace, you are totally right that you have to have self-discipline! Sometimes, you may have to get up at 5am to work, and sometimes, you may have to work on the weekends. Do what you need to succeed! :)

  30. My stepdad gave me good advice for finding time to fit studying, social time and sleep. He advised us to treat school like our job. Study 8-5 or 6 every weekday and take the evening off for social or going to bed early. Then weekends can be used to catch up on all three.

  31. I love how you have organized these three important facets of life into your "pick two" triangle. Discipline, motivation and time management are key to accomplish the "pick two" approach. Great post and I hope you don't mind if I used this information in the future.

  32. Great article - time management is so important for all students - and reading a student's perspective is awesome! I love your suggestions for stepping back and taking a look at how time is really spent - I'm going to suggest that my students take a look at this and consider how to best balance their lives. I certainly agree with the earlier post that learning how to balance our activities will be greatly beneficial in the future!

  33. I would strongly agree with the planner for students and adults alike. Students are overwhelmed by deadlines. Trying to keep everything straight in your head even while being bombarded with the rigid schedule of school, sports, etc. can be overwhelming. I would also suggest more use of smartphones. I have become very dependent on mine for helping keep track of meeting, deadlines, appointments etc. It is probably best to use old fashioned pen and paper, but it really helps to have something buzz at u! - Grady Peace

  34. I really like this model for students. Not only does it show kids where they should/could focus their energy, but it also highlights the sacrifices that is needed to achieve their goals. Choosing two of the three requires the students to understand that something must be sacrifices. As I have moved forward in life, I have realized it is about your choices, but more about the sacrifices you make because of your choices. I think this is a great model to work through and understand as teens try to balance things day to day.

  35. Social media can get away from all of us. It is amazing how much time we spend daily with social media. It just sucks you right in! If you are aware of how much time you spend in social media it is easier to control it! Great topic and very eye opening!

  36. I could not agree more that planners and calendars are necessary. I feel overwhelmed without the use of a huge family planner and the calendar feature on my phone. I still like paper and pencil to start a to-do list each morning. I have found that it gives my day structure and purpose. I agree that it is often hard to make the choice to study and prepare rather than spend time at the mall, but like was stated we can always shop. I love the idea for balance, and hope to model it a little more in the future.

  37. Very nice!It's always very encouraging an important to students to talk about a topic as important as self -discipline which becomes a very challenging skill to have especially on these days in which students are bombarded with sooo...many distractions. Facebook, twitter, dating, friends ,etc.Thanks for being a voice.

  38. So true, time management and self-discipline is extremely important for academic success! And it is something that takes many students years of college to learn. It is great that you discovered it in high school!

  39. so, so, so true! This is the biggest problem that students have in online classes. . . being so busy with other things that they think they come and do their online work "later" when they have more time. . .but that time sometimes never comes or it comes with a week to go and they can't devote the time needed to really "get it"!!

  40. Grace G., a daily organizer / calendar is a great tool to help one manage one's time. Thanks for sharing your personal experiences. RB

  41. Time management is so tricky! Online classes make it even harder... There is no one staring at you to tell you when things are due.... Thanks for sharing!! :)

  42. One of the things that I realized is how busy students are with other subjects, most of the time they take three to four subjects and they dont have time for other commitments so procrastination occurs, so they need to manage their time better.

  43. Rhonda Hill-Time Management is definitely a key to success. Trying to multi-task often makes a difference. I have a daughter who is a senior in high school. And procrastination can't even be in the every day vocabulary. Striving to keep up and not fall behind initially seems to help. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  44. These tips are great for all of us. Especially students who are taking more than one course in the CR summer time frame, time- management and discipline is key to success.I think blogs and virtual buddies could mean the difference for those students who are so close, but not quite "making it."
    Sharon Glenn

  45. I'm really impressed with your comments. They make such sense, but it's tough sometimes to get our students to recognize that these are choices they have to make. It's even tougher when not all of our students are as dedicated as you are. Every little change our students make to be more organized and aware is a step in the right direction, though! Well done!
    Laurie Smith

  46. Contemporary research shows that we (all of us) suffer from social overload. With the advent of social media, this has created anxiety that we are not engaged at all times with what is going on. Logically we know that is impossible, and people have survived for millennia without that form of social interaction. Thus, first we have to differentiate between "virtual" and "real" social interaction and prioritize thusly. So, your social life should be playing soccer with friends than getting lost in facebook or twitter. I think that will free up a LOT of time (and anxiety) that will better balance the triangle. Great blog posting & very timely! --Rebecca Hite

  47. Great article and advice for all ages- not just for high school students!

  48. I am really impressed with your comments-- I especially agree that time management and discipline are two key areas that students often struggle with in the summer-- tutors and virtual buddies could be really helpful for these students

  49. You can't have all three all the time but you can have each some of the time.

  50. I absolutely agree that time management is a skill that will serve you well in school and in life. As a teacher, full-time mother to three children age 5 and under, and someone who is very active with family, church, and friends I have found the time management skills I learned early in school have helped me again and again!

  51. I think it is so important to set a schedule of the things you will do everyday. The lifestyle of today's society that we live in is a fast pace world. Multitasking is not as easy as it may be and therefore, having a systematic way to do things that can help you accomplish three aspects in the triangle: sleep, social life and good grades. If you struggle in self-discipline and organization skills having a virtual buddy or a tutor can be really helpful to the students.
    Millie Hernandez

  52. We could all stand to read this article and consider how we manage our time - students and teachers, children and parents, teenagers and adults! Sometimes I try to squeeze too much into my days and end up feeling stressed and unsuccessful! Time management is KEY to a happy, healthy, productive lifestyle!

  53. Balance is very important to make learning effective. I think you just need to spend more time studying and just have enough time for rest and fun. People who takes tests or having a hard time in school can have a few hours of tutoring. It doesn't have to be long so they can still play and rest. This will benefit them especially for difficult subjects, MCAT and other tests.

  54. Time management is the one skill that makes the most stressful project easier. This is true for students as well as adults. When students learn how to manage their responsibilities and avoid procrastination, success will follow. Students who learn time management become organized adults, and it is no different in the workplace. In school and in real life, we have to work with others, and meeting deadlines and managing projects becomes critical.

  55. Great job pointing out that it IS all about the balance between these very important aspects of being a teenager. Success comes at a price, but you do not have to give up anything, just be aware of your time and how to manage it! Thank you!

  56. Time management is a very important thing, especially when having an online class. Those are great points that if you improve your self-management and discipline you can achieve those 3 points. From my experience I agree that using a planner and calendar more are great ideas that could help you. Great job on this article! :)

  57. Time management is the key to success. I feel as time management is either your biggest ally or nemesis. Those who manager their time appropriately seem to be much more successful than those who struggle with it.

  58. Good thoughts-I really like the 3 points. I do feel, though, that the triangle simplifies life. We really are like do-decagons sometimes!

  59. Great article. Time management is a skill that many adults do not have. The use of a calendar is a great idea and with smart phones these days, I use mine to keep up with important events. One thing that caught my eye about your post is that sometimes you have to say no to have enough time to get everything completed.

  60. Super article, Grace - Time Management is one of the most valuable skills to learn. Using the big "no" has really helped me manage my time (even though that is hard to do sometimes!)

  61. I hope that more of my students use this information to help them with time management!

  62. It is always best to have balance in all areas of your life. Education benefits when all parts of a students life are meet.

  63. I like the triangle. I think that eventually the sleep factor catches up with the good grades and social life though... Both are hard to maintain on limited sleep.

  64. Time managements is definitely a skill you have to aren't simply born with it. I like how you give specific examples of how a students can manage their activities. I also love how you said "it may seem dorky..." You acknowledge that you too are a young person who may not necessarily want to make specific choices to do your work over socialize; however, you will be glad you did afterwards!

  65. This is a great perspective on balancing responsibilities and managing your life. This will serve you well throughout high school, college, and life in general! Thanks for sharing!

  66. This is a great article! Time management is probably the most important skill when you're taking an online course. I wish my online college students could read this!

  67. WOW!!!!! Not to sound lame but this is really impressive!! The study skills and time management issues are so critical for today's youths and ALAS there are only 24 hours in the day.

  68. I loved this article! Very well put. As a teacher, mom and friend, I still find life is a balancing act. Sleep is so important to our health and happiness.

  69. I am impressed that you have begun to figure out time management in high school! I recommend that my students use the calendar features on their smart phones and receive automatic reminders. Great work!

  70. Thank you, Grace, for putting such a complicated daily routine into simple steps! I keep thinking about things even in my adult life where I can apply your philosophy to get more out of 24 hours:)
    I will share this with others who will be glad to know that there is a way to make life easier by planning!

  71. I think we can all learn a lot from your article. We should never bite off more than we can chew and the responsibilities we do have should be handled to the fullest.

  72. I think the point you make about procrastinating is most important. It is so easy to think there will be time later, but if one thing out of the ordinary happens it has the potential to throw you off key and perhaps miss that important deadline.

  73. My juniors always realized that in that 3rd year of high school, they had the hardest time. It's even harder than your senior year because there are so many things depending on your performance. Great tips here!

  74. I am sure students enjoy reading about their peers experiences and struggles with providing themselves with ample learning, social and individual time. Balance is the key and reading this shows how it can work.

  75. Finding a good balance in your life to try and accomplish all that is on your plate is always a battle and something we all have to work at, no matter the age.

  76. Excellent article! :-) Time management is a skill needed by all and I think that learning this skill while a high school student, or before, is imperative. Having time for friends is important, but it must be coupled with the appropriate amount of time for school work and other responsibilities. Thanks for sharing such a time sensitive article with great personal examples!

  77. I love the diagram! Really makes you think about what is important and that a good balance is necessary.

  78. Great suggestions for time management. It is a never-ending battle in life! Finding balance is the key.

  79. You have made a discovery that many don't make until much later in life. You can have it all, but not all at once. Priorities matter, and you have your down pat. Nice job.

  80. Wonderful article. I am sill working on the sleep part of the triangle. Ncvps teacher

  81. Grace, you have learned a valuable lesson-- one that adults (including online and face-to-face teachers like myself!-- struggle with also. Sounds like you are definitely making wise decisions and learning how to manage your life! Your also write very well.

  82. I love your diagram and the key to success is balance!

  83. Great suggestions for time management I am alwasy looking for new ideas.

  84. This triangle of success is not only applicable when it comes to academics, but also occupationally. As a 2 sport coach, teacher and part time NCVPS instructor, I have to utilize the same type of plans that Stephanie so clearly elaborates on in her blog. My triangle's points are a little different. Family time - Work - Healthful living. Stephanie's description of planning is very good consider her age. As the saying goes, failure to plan = planning to fail. Good blog.

  85. Great article . . . you have a good perspective on how organization and planning are the keys to a healthy and successful existence

  86. A planner or calendar is a great idea for anybody these days. There are so many things to choose from when looking for something to do in the "24" hours we have daily. Good advice to many!!

  87. Time management and organization are two great skills that will pay off for students in every activity they take on!

  88. It is very necessary to use a planner not only for your classes, online or face to face, but also for the job that you will be doing. The easiest way to keep track of information.

  89. Absolutely correct that we all have the same amount of time, I like the triangle view of explaining how to use that time to hit all three. The use of a planner is a great suggestion and self determination will help in turning down that trip to the mall, great post!

  90. Great graphic! Time management is the key to success. We all learn it at different times in life, but the earlier you learn those skills in high school the better!

  91. I like that your blog is really insightful and provides some concrete examples of how students can maintain all three parts of their triangle.

  92. You bring up some great points. It is difficult even for adults to balance time and goals in life. Time management takes practice and a clear set of priorities to use as a guide.

  93. I need all of my students to read this article! I see many students struggle to get even 2 points of the triangle. You bring up a great point about time wasted on FB, Twitter, Youtube, etc. If students used the half the time they spent on social networks, etc to complete school work they would have more time to hang out with friends and sleep! Time management is not only an important skill for high school and college, but it will be a used throughout your lifetime. Excellent article!

  94. Being a young student I am quite impressed with the strategies you have put in place in order to cope with all your academic responsibilities. The way you pace your day should be an example to follow by our f2f and online students as well. Great job!

  95. Great advice and something you should learn now because it only gets harder in college. And it doesn't stop there. Time management is something you will be doing for the rest of your life and you might even have to change that triangle to a square to add "marriage" and then a pentagram to add "children". Yep, best to get it right now!

  96. My daughter was faced with a similar dilemma: in high school she went to a magnet school, had the AP classes as well, and balanced an almost full-time junior tennis schedule. She practiced every day and we had tournaments on weekends. She still had a social life and her high school friends remain with her today. She went on a tennis scholarship to the University of Maryland, where she maintained a good gpa, joined a sorority, worked on a presidential campaign, and continued to play tennis for the Women's Tennis team every day. She graduated this past spring and is now in law school. This was her dream and she is almost at the end of her first year. She has accomplished so much but has approached it with a determination to have it all. Now having said that, it was stressful- quite often. It was not easy to have everything to which she aspired. Her College gpa probably would have been higher without the tennis or sorority but she would not have been happy. She got into the law school of her choice though so, in the end, she did it her way and was successful.

  97. so very very true! I wish someone had shared this with me when I was younger!

  98. Great article! Very useful suggestions for maintaining self-management and discipline, both are skills you will need for the rest of your life!

  99. Mary Beth BumgarnerApril 16, 2013 at 9:42 PM

    I wish more students kept a planner. I see MANY of my high school students (who are not achieving or who are disorganized) with some pretty awesome smartphones that they could be using to help them get organized AND to make reminders for things. :( I LOVE the "choose 2" from your triangle. Very interesting- I think I'm going to share this with my face to face students tomorrow! Thanks for a very interesting article!

  100. Excellent article and very powerful indeed. I do I believe one way to keep up with so many activities going on and avoid distractions is to "develop better study habits, stick to a schedule, plan fun activities for the weekend, and then sleeping time will fit in easily."
    Thanks for sharing...

  101. What a great story! I am a teacher at NCVPS and love your ideas of staying organized and self disciplined. I have a daughter entering in her junior year next year. I'll definitely pass your tips along. Thanks for sharing :)

  102. Fantastic article!! As a teacher, I know how important my calendar and lists are to me, and I hope that all students take these words to heart! This reminds me of an awesome book (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens) that I have taught before. Great reminder to stay focused and keep priorities in order! :)

  103. This is fantastic. I love your strategies for staying organized and on top of everything. You are quite an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your tips.

  104. I think it would be great for all students to have a planner and use it on a regular basis. It can be very difficult to keep up with everything and manage time wisely, and it only gets more difficult after high school. I see many student that say they can't keep up with all they are doing, but at the same time they spend hours on social media and keep up with who is doing what. Reading this article might help them understand what they need to do, and the benefits of keeping organized.

  105. I see so many of my students struggle to keep up their grades, have a social life and get enough sleep to function. You are spot on that time management it the key.

  106. Excellent article! This is so true, how students struggle to balance everything in their lives. I thought it was also important that you mentioned it's okay to say no. You can still have a social life, but sometimes you have to say no. Great job!

  107. A calendar is an important tool necessary for success in life! Living in a fast paced society, we have to pick and choose what is necessary and prioritize accordingly. Great job on learning this skill early on in life.

  108. I totally agree that it's about making good decisions when you are young that makes your life easier and less stressful as you get older.
    Sleep is a big one - it affects your mental and physical health. It makes you clear and able to function at your peak levels. I would like to add exercise, and drinking plenty of water to the sleep equation as these thing help you to attain 'quality' sleep. You have created a good hierarchy of importance that makes sense.
    1. Take care of your body and your health
    2. Study and stay on top of your academics and intellectual commitments.
    3. Have fun, as time allows, this also keeps you healthy and happy with your choices.

  109. A planner and/or calendar will be critical throughout your working career. Appointments, conflicts, and scheduling are all part of work, personal, and family life. The sooner you become accustomed to a calendar, the better you will be.

  110. The visual grabbed my attention, and I would like to use it in class tomorrow. =) Your ideas about schedules and post-it notes are sound. Your posting reminds me of the text titled How to Become a Straight-A Student. There was a huge focus on the importance of lists and how managing lists on paper instead of trying to manage the lists in our head is better for us. The lists in our head may create anxiety, so making lists and prioritizing is a great idea.

  111. It sounds like you have done an excellent job at balancing your triangle and managing your time. It is great to be able to recognize what kinds of things waste your time so that you can spend more time on the valuable stuff in life.

  112. I agree with you about the planner/calendar. My most successful students rely on their planners to help them manage their time and stay organized. You seem to have a good idea of how to juggle all your work.

  113. The ancient lessons still ring true: "Moderation in all things."

  114. Awesome job prioritizing your life we as adults need to take a step back and reflect!

  115. What a great article with well-articulated suggestions for balancing things important to students!

  116. As a teacher, I have always stressed planning to enable students to balance these requirements. Prioritizing tasks is a skill we use our entire lives - and you take a very practical approach!

  117. Fantastic suggestions! I think that this struggle may be meant to prepare students for becoming adults who try to balance career, family, healthy habits (like sleep), and maybe a social life, too. At that point, you might not have any of the three points on the triangle! Lol, I guess students and adults alike can all take note.

  118. Stephanie you have made some really good points in this article. I like how you realized that your grades were suffering because of choices you were making. I am glad you were able to adjust your attitude and do well.

  119. I think all students who sign up for an NCVPS course in addition to their regular schedule should have to do a quick tutorial that includes this article - to ensure they understand they are taking on more responsibility and it will require time management skills.

  120. I love the image. It's true for so many students, but I don't know that they all realize it. Great suggestions!

  121. Stephanie,
    Great work ethic - my daughter attended NCSSM and is about to graduate from Wake Forest - same work ethic. Great tips and ideas for students - these tips also work in college and life. I wish you the best!!

  122. Stephanie, these are great suggestions that students should really live by. I'm glad that you've come to understand that you need to prioritize all that you want to do and that school is at the top. These skills will help you throughout the rest of you high school experience and into college. Keep up the good work!!

  123. Great article! I think most students are unaware for their true NEED to sleep. They think there are only two points on the triangle - work and social. Having a good night's sleep helps you do your work better and more quickly :) and also helps you enjoy your social time even more. Thanks for helping students think about the balance.

  124. Great article! Grace makes some important points and I think that her advice not only applies to high school, but to college and on into the work world. There are so many opportunities in today's world, it becomes very difficult to balance your life. My cell phone is my best friend...yes, I thought I would never say that. But, the calendar ap truly keeps me organized and it is always with me. Grace made a point that really hit home...making sure that you leave enough time in the schedule to sleep. Sometimes, we forget the need for rest and down time.

  125. Excellent points in balancing life as a student, and still maintaining a social life. Calendars do help, creating task lists, and making sure you give yourself some time for "play".

  126. Wonderful article! Time management is definitely a skill, and many adults still haven't mastered it. I'm addicted to my planner! And I love the triangle graphic. It really does take alot of discipline to prioritize and accomplish everything on your list of things to do...

  127. Awesome article! As an adult I can put this advice to work immediately! I want to have all 3 in balance. I love the term - self-management!

  128. Oh please come and talk to my students at school. I keep stressing that you can have a social life, good grades, and sleep if you develop your time management skills. This is the same for adults too since most complain that they do not have enough time with family, friends, and work. I suggested to my students to turn off Facebook and Twitter for just two days to see if their level of stress improved, none of them took the challenge.

  129. I am a list maker and a time manager. I also love to have fun and managing this is sometimes hard you had some great suggestions for anyone. All ages need to read this thank

  130. I am all about time management and making choices. But I am not all work and not fun either. This was a great article to help even us adults balance . Something that will make life easier. Thanks

  131. Great articles and ideas to help encourage people to have a more well rounded life! I like the idea of a triangle because it's a great image anyone can imagine and a great reminder for students.

  132. Having a balance is good, and hard to achieve a lot of times. I like your idea of having a planner to help you with time management.

  133. I agree that time management is the big issue here. Doing it right, and getting it done, is where the successful student departs from the ineffective one. And it is a life skill, learning what is important, prioritizing, and getting the work done.

  134. Wonderful advice time management is really important. We all need time to study, sleep and have time for friends and family. It is all about striking a balance that works so you can be successful.

  135. This is a well written article. Student that enroll in online courses need to know that they take a lot of commitment to logging in daily and completing the work.

  136. Just for the graphic alone, this is a great piece. Telling students that they cannot do it all is sometimes a message teachers don't want to deliver, but you deliver this message as a choice.

  137. Grace - You have some great ideas to combat the universal question which you identified early in the article:
    Every single person in this world has the same amount of time each day (24 hours), yet some people struggle to get 2 points on the triangle, while others can live happily with everything.
    What an informative and motivating article!
    Kim Roberts

  138. good information about making priorities and planning out your day in order to balance all three. Realizing that some things, like shopping, can be done at most any time is an important point

  139. the big benefit I see here is conveying that success can be talked about, planned, and changed; neither success or failure are foregone conclusions

  140. Balance is key- and learning this early in life will really pay off as the demands only increase as you get older. Learning how interconnected these things are can be a hard lesson (don't we all wish we could do what we want, when we want, with no consequence?)

  141. Nice job approaching this sometimes tough to talk about topic. Letting someone know that it is not always possible to do everything can be received as criticism by some people. I thought this article approached this in a logical not critical way.

  142. When I was your age, maintaining a planner or date book was the furthest thing from my mind. Once I finally figured out the value of using time management tools, I was amazed at how much time I appeared to be actually creating. I wish I'd been smart enough to figure it out when I was as young as you are! : )

  143. I may want to share this with my AP World History students - thanks for the insights! Oh and congrats on NCSSM - my sister went there!

  144. Great article. I enjoyed your no-excuse approach to finding a balance among schoolwork, social life, and sleep. I agree that too often we are unaware of the activities that we mindlessly participate in and sacrifice precious time that we can't get back. Thanks for a fresh outlook on this tough topic.

  145. You are so right! Junior year really seems to be the time when we all realize that we have to start making "adult choices" about how to spend our time. I like your balanced approach. Good writing!

  146. This is my favorite part of your piece: "The secret is to improve your self-management and discipline. This means that you will have to be aware of the time you are spending on each point on the triangle, and learning how to discipline yourself to set enough time to do each thing." I plan to share this information and your triangle with my students. Thanks for the insight and best of luck!

  147. I loved your visual diagram to make your point. Time management is definitely a skill that helps in school, and in life (for the rest of your life!) Thanks for sharing your personal journey!

  148. Very true! Balancing work and sleep is difficult. I always tell me students that they will work better and more easily if they have a good night's rest - often underrated but so important!

  149. This is a great article. As a teacher time management is daily struggle. It sounds like you have come up with some great tools that will help.

  150. Very well written! I'm very impressed to see that you've learned to be disciplined enough to have a fulfilling and complete life at such a young age. Time management will be necessary from this point on in life. Thanks for sharing your secrets. It's hopeful that your peers will follow some of the great advice you provided.

  151. I think this is a great article for high school students because I find that time management is the skill they help with most. This info will help others in school and life in general.

  152. This is perhaps the best advice--to seek balance is critical being able to be successful as a student and an adult. Balancing one's social life, academics and sleep will make a difference in quality of life.

  153. Wow! Your graphic at the top is right on target. I think so many teenagers feel this pressure. They feel like you can really only have two of the three to be successful. Thank you for your thoughts about this!

  154. This is something that I struggle with myself. I loved the analogy of the triangle. I think for a balanced have to find balance between all three points!!!

  155. This is great advice! I love the graphic, and it is so true. I think that in order to be successful in the long term you have to have a balance of all three. Not only is this balance needed as a student in school, but also after you graduate and enter the working world.

  156. This is a great article. In the NCVPS Leadership Development Course we teach students about time management. It is a great skill to development and is the mark of a good leader.

  157. You provide some great analysis on the importance of a balanced life as a student. I agree that sleep is probably the one we sacrifice most. I think all students need to take a look at how much time they are devoting to each item.

  158. Students are faced with this but I don't know that many of them actually consider and weigh their options. All of them are important and any one of them can suffer if not given enough time. Your article really makes the point that you can do it all, just not all the time.

  159. Life is very important and finding a balance is important. Homework should not control someone's life. I would hope that this is not the case. BUT how much time is spent on video games? What if homework was made into a video game...

  160. I think balance is extremely important. I find that too often, students tend to go too far one way. They need balance. They need to do well in school but they also need to be able to socialize and relieve some stress. This is equally important.

  161. Great article! It reminds me of the old adage in sales where they say that you can pick 2...quality, price, or service. The same holds true here! Balance is not only hard to teenagers, but also for teacher as well :)

  162. Even as an adult, I still need to be reminded of this following statements;
    Every single person in this world has the same amount of time each day (24 hours), yet some people struggle to get 2 points on the triangle, while others can live happily with everything.

    The secret is to improve your self-management and discipline. This means that you will have to be aware of the time you are spending on each point on the triangle, and learning how to discipline yourself to set enough time to do each thing.

  163. Your post article about the three points in the triangle made me think of the concepts of trade-offs and opportunity costs that I teach in Civics and Economics. As you stated, we do not have more than 24 hours each day and we can not go without sleep for long periods of time. Therefore, we need to be able to balance the three through time management.

  164. The triangle is a great representation of the balance that you speak about. The etymology of balance is possibly from the Latin bis "twice" + lanx "dish, plate, scale of a balance or "to bring or keep in equilibrium". That equilibrium is the aspect that you discuss here.

  165. I'd say what you are describing is the age old saying "everything in moderation." Yes, students CAN have a social life AND good grades AND sleep, but they all have to be checked and kept from extremes. If someone wants more of one, they will, obviously have to sacrifice something from another.

  166. This is an awesome way to balance your life as a student. This information coming from a young person will reach your peers and be better received than from a parent or a teacher. I am going to share this with my daughter who is struggling with this balance as a freshman in college.

  167. Great advice! You want to give quality time to all three. An agenda will always help you set your time for everything you want to achieve.

  168. This reminds me of some of the time management tips we talk about in Success 101. Planning and being organized can certainly help you to strike a balance in all three parts. Having that balance would really help you to avoid stress which could lead to further imbalance as well. Setting priorities and sticking to a plan are the best tools you could use in your endeavors.

  169. Finding a good balance is key in aspect of your life. Not just school. It is hard even when you are grown up and managing a family.

  170. I love this image! I've seen it for home improvement- cheap, good quality, fast- but it makes so much sense for school work as well. I will definitely pass this on to my students.

  171. Such great advice! I know my students are feeling this same dilemma, and I am excited to share your analysis & advice :)
    -Erin Guzman

  172. I love this! The visual really helps simplify choices students that students are making. I think this article also does a great job of helping students understand that everyone has trouble with this balance!! What a great way to help others!

  173. What terrific points, Stephanie! I think most adults could also learn from your triangle illustration (on most days)...! Thanks for sharing your point-of-view.

  174. How true organization helps. It's a HUGE time saver, simplifies things and causes less stress. Keep up the good work and 'no' it's not dorky;)

    annette frey

  175. I think this is a great post. I just had a conversation with my daughter addressing this very topic. She is ranked 1st academically in her class while participating in sports and all kinds of social activities. The one thing she gives up is sleep. She is doing homework every night until 1am. After tracking the events of a typical day we found that she typically spend 2 hours in the afternoons wasting time. We also found that she does not tackle weekend work until Sunday evening. After a few adjustments this week she was able to get to bed on time 5 of 7 days. I think time management becomes a real issue for high school students as classes get harder and extracurricular activities become more available.

  176. Great information your post. I know that I also struggle with not getting enough sleep as adult which can really effect your daily life. Organizaing your life is very important so you accomplish all your goals and activity for the day, week, etc....

  177. I love the the triangle analogy as it really is ALL about balance! If you are spending most of your time (outside of school) on any one thing (academic or not) then you are missing something! I like the organizational suggestions - I LOVE a calendar - make sure you are spreading out your activities and that the goals you set for accomplishing tasks are REALISTIC! Don't set your self up to fail!
    Thanks for a thoughtful article.

  178. I enjoyed reading your article. Every student needs to read this article. Time Management and discipline seem to be lacking for so many students. Unfortunately, they cannot find the balance needed to do well in school. But as you state, it can be done.

  179. I've never thought about this before. However, I think you really need to stress that this choice of 2 happens each hour of the day. For my afternoons, I pick work and maybe time for dinner and TV with my husband. After work is done, it's out and sleep is in. You don't have to be all work and no social life for the entire school year. It's a constantly fluctuating decision.

  180. I think this is a fantastic thing to start NOW while you are in high school - as a teacher and a graduate student I am constantly having to make these decisions every day! Well put!

  181. This is great advice! I think that hearing it from a student might make it easier to accept. Hearing a parent or teacher talk about time management and self-discipline is a cue to tune out.

  182. I couldn't agree more that a planner and calendar are key to staying organized and on top of your responsibilities. I wish I had figured that out when I was in high school! I also think keeping an updated To Do list is very helpful in staying motivated and setting priorities.

  183. Agreed! The temptations are overwhelming, but there is never enough time in the day to relax before getting tasks completed. That's one reason some of us don't use Facebook or Twitter!

  184. I love that some schools give agendas, and I have always encouraged students to actually use them! I even use them, and model for my students writing down the homework assignments. It also shows that the following day, I will be able to go back in there and see what they are to turn in to me. These are great tips for teaching organization which is an integral part of being a successful student!

  185. This is a great thing to remember even as an adult. As you get more and more busy you need to always remember the 'balance'. You cannot dedicate yourself to one thing and be well rounded. Always balance and life will go much more smoothly.

  186. Balance is hard to maintain - no matter your age. It's nice to see someone your age who understands the importance of finding that balance.

  187. It is interesting that balancing was the topic because I just had this discussion with my f2f AP students and they were informing me that they only had the ability to pick two of the three choices: sleep, social life, and good grades. My students agreed that the one that gets thrown by the wayside is sleep. It is so hard for them to find balance, but so important so that they are prepared for the college experience.

  188. You are right, balance is very important to have in life. You need to balance many things to have a good life.

  189. This is advice that is practical and timely, as it prepares students for the more challenging college years. Also, if students are at a school that doesn't provide a planner, they can always use the calendar in their phones!

  190. This is great sound advice. Time management is an important skill that you will use throughout for entire life.

  191. Grace,
    You have talked about a very relevant subject, finding balance in life. It is a huge stress factor for many of us, and we have to find a way to balance it. Thanks for sharing some great ways to destress!
    Thanks, Ms. Loudermilk
