Friday, March 4, 2016

The Stairway to Success

By Danielle, Corine, Charlotte, and Curie

            For most students, the school year starts out in a good fashion. However, some students unfortunately fall into the same patterns of procrastination or indignation as the previous year. Before you find yourself slipping into last year’s problems, here are 8 steps to follow to become a successful student!
#1: Prioritize your activities with a planner.

            No matter what extracurricular activities you participate in, it is important to recognize that your education comes first. It is suggested to keep a planner to find a balance between your extracurricular activities and academics. You may want to try to avoid using a digital planner, especially one on your iPhone, because this can lead to playing apps or visiting social networks that eat up your study time. There’s also a feeling of accomplishment when you physically cross something off of your to-do-list! Using a paper planner will help you to keep track of the many things you need to do.

#2: Find your study “habitat.”

            Another important thing to remember is that everyone needs to study in his own “habitat.”  That means that each of us has that perfect location to study: whether it is one’s bedroom or the school library.  To choose the best place for you, decide how prone you are to distractions. There are some people who can filter out noise and actually feel more relaxed hearing others’ voices.  However, a lot of people will try to study then find themselves watching television for an hour.  If that sounds like you, then it might be important to “hibernate” and escape into the silence. Remember that your habitat is individualized. What might be a good place for you to study might be an awful place for someone else.  If you find yourself wandering upon someone else’s habitat, then make sure that you are respectful of their study needs.  After all, they are trying to succeed just as much as you are.

#3: Metacognition: evaluate your study habits.

            Let’s face it: some studying habits are better than others, and some studying habits work better for different people. So, we need to experiment. The previous two sections discussed the time and place for studying, and this section advises the reader to evaluate his or her study habits after every test.
In my AP Biology course the students are instructed to create their own study guides and follow their own pace to complete classwork until the day of the test. Test day is also the due date for all class work and study guides, and the test scores give a numerical reflection of the effectiveness of the students’ study habits. After every test, students ask themselves: which study habits worked? Which ones did not? Reflecting on successful and unsuccessful techniques and fixing bad habits will help you grow and succeed in any class.

#4: Be proactive in school.

Now you are prepared for school; you have your planner, study techniques, and “habitat.” But school comes with many other challenges: larger schools can be harder to navigate, rules may be unclear and confusing, online class environments may be unfamiliar … you name it. How do you overcome these non-academic obstacles to a successful start in school? Well, get familiar with the school, the classes, and online classes before it matters. Attend your school’s ‘Open House’, explore your online class during Meet the Teacher, and notify your online teachers with any of your questions and concerns. At the first day of school, pay attention to your teachers’ explanations of their rules and expectations and make sure you keep any handouts regarding that information.

#5 Be responsible in the classroom.

            The classroom is the place that you will do much of your learning. You should keep track of your behavior in the classroom in order to succeed. Always pay attention in class because you never know what you might be tested on, and paying attention in class can also help decrease the length your studying time later on. Taking notes in class also helps you get ahead, better preparing you for any future assignments. It will help you remember the information more easily and you will be able to get a deeper understanding of the material. Another thing to keep in mind in the classroom is that you shouldn’t sit with friends who distract you. Feel free to sit with friends that will be able to help you learn, but don’t sit with the friends that you feel will distract you during class.

#6 Interact with your teachers.

            Teachers are essential for your success, so strive to develop a strong relationship with your teachers. Teachers not only teach the course curriculum, but they also help you earn the grade that you want, and eventually, they can write recommendation letters for college applications. Several ways to develop strong relationships with your teachers are by asking questions, showing your concern about your grades, and talking with them often.

#7 Keep up with your coursework and homework.

            Many teachers give nightly homework, and some even give loads of classwork. In and out of class the key is to focus. Don’t let your friends, social networking, or technology distract you, and make small goals for yourself. If you tell yourself that you will finish the assignment in 15, 20, 30, or 45 minutes, you will complete it with purpose.

#8 Look to the future.

            School years in North Carolina are 180 days long, so students are prone to get tired. Keep up the good work and maintain your grades. Remember, the rewards for working hard in school include good grades, high GPA, promotion to the next grade, and college admission. Your future holds great things! 


  1. Excellent advice! I particularly like the suggestion to use a paper planner, rather than an electronic one. Besides avoiding the temptation to play games, it also allows you to see each item in the larger context of weeks or months, for better planning.

  2. I love the steps as outlined here. I still use a paper planner and have discovered my studying "habitat" is actually much different from what I wish it was! I need peace and quiet and can get that at my kitchen table. I also think the "look to the future" is great advice, but it is seldom followed, especially by the newer high school students (freshmen especially).

  3. Great Job on giving advise on how to be successful in school and everyday life! You are not just explaining tips on to 'survive' high school but college and the work place! Being goal driven is key! Nice job!

  4. This was a great read! Each point provided insight on how to be successful in school. A lot of students fail to acknowledge this, but this advice brings about tips for how to get through it and what to be aware of in order to be successful. Very encouraging and motivational. This is something I would like to share with my students!

  5. I really like the way this is broken into steps and details are given of how to accomplish each. I think students struggle to find good study techniques and "habitats" and I like how you pointed this out. Great job!

  6. This is great for getting organized! I use a planner to keep myself organized and also an online calendar for reminders electronically. I love how this breaks things into steps and makes it easy to understand why certain aspects will work for some people. I think any person could benefit from these tools, but especially our students.

  7. Such great advice! I particularly appreciate your suggestions about finding a study "habitat". It has taken me quite awhile to realize that I cannot suggest the same study strategies for each and every one of my students. All of them are different, so it would make sense that they all need a different place to study.

  8. These points of advice are brilliant! These skills are not just NCVPS skills, but also life and career skills. Very insightful entry!

  9. I like the fact that this starts out mentioning fashion. School and time management is much more than fashion as indicated here. The tips provided are great tips to help students get off to a great start.

  10. I liked the article: The Stairway to Success by: Danielle, Corine, Charlotte, and Curine. Excellent article on how to succeed in a class by following 8 useful steps. The article puts the success responsibility on the student. The student can set the environment and develop habits to pass any class.

  11. I Love all the steps outlined. I especially like that the article did not just focus on online classes. The advise is extremely relevant for online and face to face classes. Clearly we are showing we want students to be successful in all areas of school not just the classes and activities they do for us.

  12. So many students now go to college without the necessary ways of how to study. I like how you outlined plans to master this. All of these methods are helpful for the traditional classroom as well as online. Each step is important in making someone a successful student. Way to Go!!

  13. You have some great advise here! I love how you bring up metacognition. I'm of the opinion that we really need to teach our students how to analyze their own thought processes and patterns of behavior.

  14. Very nice outline! Knowing how to study and all of the variables and skills that make study time productive cannot be stressed enough. All of the things that you mentioned provide a pathway to be successful regardless of the content!

  15. I love your analogy of steps. This is very valuable information for students and they need to learn these skills early on in order to be successful, not just in school, but in life.

  16. There are sometimes we think we know all this. But the truth is that even if we know it, most of the time, we do not practice it.

  17. These are great strategies that every student should see/read/reflect upon. Each step has different information important to students. I love the "habitat" part of the conversation and the encouragement of students to create a place for their academic work and studying. It makes a great deal of difference to students when they have a place that studying occurs and that is free of distractions.

  18. These 8 strategies are wonderful advice to any student, not just the ones who are really struggling! I love the analogy of a stair case. If a student will follow these steps they will not only be successful in their studies, but also in life. Tip #8 look to the future, it my favorite. For me this is also telling students to have a goal in mind. You only have 180 days to reach it! In the large scheme of things, that is not that long and if you spend your time looking in the rear view mirror, you will lose sight of your goals and what the future can hold.

  19. What great strategies, the planner is always my biggest suggestion to students. With all the activities they have going on, with on-line classes F2F and some even taking college classes it is a lot to keep up with. When you miss a test it can mean the difference between an A or B.

  20. These are great tips for success. I know most students have a lot going on so these tips can help them get organized. I think there are a lot of important aspects of success in everyday lives, not just in online and F2F classes.

  21. I love the analogy and image of the steps. I like how you are very clear and concise and your advice can be applied to so many aspects of life, not just online learning and F2F learning in a classroom.

  22. I love the analogy and image of the steps. I like how you are very clear and concise and your advice can be applied to so many aspects of life, not just online learning and F2F learning in a classroom.

  23. These strategies are so helpful to encourage students to be successful not only in high school but as we prepare them for college. It's so important that students develop these skills now so they can maximize and get the most out of their learning experience.

  24. I love these suggestions! I wish all of my f2f and online students would follow these simple steps! It would make their lives (and mine) so much easier!

  25. I have learn about how to become successful while you are in school. I learn that you must take your own responsibility in the classroom and prioritize between academics and extra-curricular activities. Students must be mindful that they have to keep up with their own work and keep a organizer that they can keep track of the assignments and notes that they can use to study. Studying is an important that you can use to become successful. Going over notes can help get the context and you can remember what you have learned. When test day come you will not have to stress because you will already know the material. It is very easy for students to get distracted when they are not in the proper place to study. Studying in a quiet area or in a local library can help a student focus on what they are studying. Applying good habits face to face and online classes that will help you become successful would be turning assignments in on time, studying, and always stay focus.
    -Demya Faulcon

  26. I Learn if you stay focus you can be successful at anything you do. Specially in school he have to read more an also do your work more. If you need more help with your work ask your teacher or someone so they can help you. Then you have to have a positive mind to stay focus. Always remember go over your notes so you can know it when its time for testing or anything.You have to think about your future because your future is always important to you. But if you won't if you wont something in life really bad go get it and also do your best on it! :)
    -Tashauna Taylor

  27. I learned that you have to prioritize things the right way and always remember what more important. Education should come before and sports or other activities. You should study to make sure you do great. You will have to know how to manage things the right way because school will need just as much time as everything else if not more time.
    -shonesia jones

  28. All these steps are great for staying organized, from keeping a planner to look up to the future. I love how this breaks things into steps and focuses on the student as individual by suggesting to find at what works for best for their learning. I think all of these steps are important but there are two that stand out to me when learning in an online environment: interact with your teachers and keep up with your homework. It is important to reach out to the teachers if the students are struggling with something and not to wait to the last minute to complete assignments, because it will be more difficult to catch up.

