Sunday, September 18, 2016

Do's and Don'ts of Communication


  1. Great reminder! It isn't just our words that communicate things to others.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think that everyone, adults included, could benefit from being reminded about proper communication. In a world of digital technology, the ability to have a proper conversation is losing ground and it needs to be brought to our attention. Great work!

  4. I think this article is great because it reminds students of some important aspects of communication that I sometimes assume that they already know. I often have to talk to my students about what type of communication is necessary for their situation. How they discuss matters with me as their teacher should be different from how they talk to their best friend.

  5. This is a great article! This would be beneficial not only for students, but teachers, parents and administrators. I like the way the article addresses the three types of communications and the dos and don'ts of each. This is a great discussion that we could incorporate into our classrooms that will help students build life skills.

  6. Love this quick reference of the do's and don'ts! I am working on these in my face-to-face classroom and beginning to see the positive changes.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Communication has been a struggle in our society for centuries, but I think now more than ever. Teenagers, and adults too, want to have all communication through our phones or computers. We have lost the ability to successfully communicate face to face. I liked your list of do's and don'ts. If we could all listen and follow them and act appropriately in every situation we would be so much better off in our society. Thank you or your blog.

  9. This is so important! People often are overlooked because they have a simple misspelling in an application or because they don't make eye contact when interviewing. This is a great article!

  10. All of these tips are so important! I constantly tell my students and my own children to remember their audience when speaking. Also, facial expressions play a big role in how your words are taken. When using non-verbal communication I think it is very important to choose your words carefully as to not communicate the wrong message. I liked the advice of not sending a message in anger. Too many people do not heed this advice. Great article!

  11. What a great graphic!! It is important to remember communication is key to helping our students learn and succeed. In the virtual classroom we need to focus on words and relationships as much as our content. Encouragement and help go a long way in a virtual lesson which is why our announcements are so important. Great work!

  12. This is great advice. Given how much we communicate via email and other non-verbal methods, it is vital to check for tone. Many of the things we would say in person are accompanied with some sort of facial expression or body language that can help convey meaning. This is especially important in emails and text messages. "hello." vs "hello!" can make all of the difference. I would also recommend adding that we re-read before sending as well... especially if texting or using our phones as we all have fallen victim to the evil that is autocorrect.

  13. Great job using the piktochart! Communication is such an important skill to learn. I think students need to learn verbal and nonverbal skills for communicating. I do think, however, that it is important to teach our students that certain communication techniques around the world can be perceived and accepted in different ways.

  14. Great reminders of some basics of communication. Very important as we communicate online without tone and expression to help us!

  15. From Colby R

    When using verbal communication it is very important to focus all of your attention on the audience and not your cell phone or other electronics. You never want to interrupt someone while they are speaking and you want to make sure you are being very loud and clear so the audience will understand you. Don't use too many filter words so you sound more professional and make sure that you are respectful towards the audience and their values.

  16. Ahkhendriie BuntingAugust 8, 2017 at 2:31 PM

    I know that overcomplication is an issue for me. This helps me know that I need to keep my message simple and neat and orderly enough for others to understand.

  17. This is definitely something I need to work on. I know that each verbal, written, and nonverbal communication will play a role in life, whether it be in school or in the future at my work place. Using filter words is a large problem for me, and I believe this is because I tend to speak quickly, even quicker than my brain can process what to say. I also face the problem of using my cell phone during a face-to-face conversation. At this day and age, technology has become an important part of our lives, but that does not mean it is acceptable for me to use my phone during a conversation. I agree with the note on eye contact; I use eye contact when communicating with my peers and superiors, and I believe this is why we both feel high levels of respect for each other. I believe it is important to improve on all of these skills because it is an important part of our development and future.
