Sunday, October 2, 2016

Human Memory

Presentation by Natalie M. 

Follow the journey through the three stages of the brain’s memory storage system and learn effective strategies for long term retention and recall. 

For optimal viewing the presentation screen can be enlarged with the button on the bottom right hand corner, or the presentation can be viewed the size below. 


  1. Thanks for creating this presentation Natalie! This is great information that reinforces many key points in our Success course!

  2. Great presentation! Good reminders in here for all!

  3. I have found that the most effective way to get students to remember important information is present it in different contexts at least 7 different times spread over several classes. The more meaningful I can make the information to the individual lives, the better chance they have of remembering the information.

  4. Making connections to new content is a crucial part of student retention. I often tell my students that life is not a giant multiple choice test. They are going to be forced to think and make the best decisions they can with they information they have. The more students are able to build upon what they know and connect the dots, the more likely they are building a well supported foundation that will serve them throughout their academic careers and on in to life. Presentations like this one are a great refresher for students, who often don't know how to study.

  5. I think this presentation is great! I never knew that studying before bed would help enhance your memory.

  6. This was a great read the facts were straight to the point. This was refresher for me since I took a class in psychology which hit on memory. I really enjoyed this presentation.

  7. This was a very interesting and informative presentation. I will definitely try the memory tips, I find it reassuring to read that multi tasking is not very effective, because it is usually stressful anyway.

  8. This presentation is very useful for my friends who think that cramming or memorizing is the best way. Maybe this will help them better understand how their brain works most effect!

  9. These are great tips--thanks for presentation!

  10. I especially appreciated the reminder about the ineffectiveness of “cramming.” Ten 1-hour study sessions are much more effective than a single 10-hour session.
