Thursday, August 29, 2019

The NCVPS Student Research Alliance: A Platform for Innovation

By: Gracie B.

"Photo a day project: December 2005" by Jenny Lee Silver is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
In high school, coursework is often prescribed. Many students fill their schedules with classes to meet graduation requirements or to build impressive resumes for college applications. Their true passions are stifled by excessive academic and extracurricular obligations. Yet, learning becomes more fulfilling and purposeful when it is driven by genuine intellectual curiosity. Exploring one’s own interests is a crucial step towards building a meaningful life and career. This pursuit of self-directed education is at the heart of the NCVPS Student Research Alliance, a new program that empowers students to delve deeply into subjects that captivate them and share their knowledge with peers across North Carolina.

Research internships are notoriously scarce for high school students, especially in non-scientific fields. The NCVPS Student Research Alliance increases the accessibility of academic research opportunities, allowing participants to propose unique inquiries and to direct their own investigations. Student research fellows benefit from collaboration with subject-specific advisors, who help them interpret their findings and refine their reflections. Months of dedicated study culminate in a detailed research paper and an NCVPS Café session, in which the student presents their research to peers and instructors. Specific NCVPS courses serve as springboards for research projects, and students are able to utilize Research Alliance papers and presentations to enrich the content they are learning in class. Research projects are as diverse as their creators. In the 2019 summer program, topics ranged from spacecraft design to abnormal psychology to Baltic history. There is no shortage of creativity and innovation among NCVPS students, and the Student Research Alliance provides a unique avenue to express the ingenuity of online learners.

To be eligible to participate in the Student Research Alliance, students must be in high school and are required to have completed at least one NCVPS course. Participants should also have regular internet access and several hours per week to devote to research. Selection is not based on GPA or academic standing, as the program aims to give all students an equal opportunity to acquire invaluable research and writing skills that will benefit them in college and beyond. Rather, students are chosen based on experience and interest within a particular subject area, which can be demonstrated through achievements inside or outside of the classroom. Students interested in participating in the program will be invited to attend a general information session later in the fall semester to learn more about the application and research processes. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting initiative, and let your NCVPS teacher know if you are interested in becoming involved in one of the many programs the Peer Tutoring Center has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea this opportunity existed in NCVPS! I like how you explain the prerequisites for presenting as well as all of the steps a student will need to take. You also list necessary tools (wifi access, several hours a week) and the benefits of participating. This is a fantastic explanation of the process and why a student would want to participate!
