Friday, September 20, 2019

A Letter to My Peers

By: Sonia G. 

To all my fellow high schoolers,
Picture by Angelina N.

As we find ourselves preparing for a new school year filled with new adventures, I would like to encourage you to continue to strive for excellence. Continue to push yourself to try new things. Join a new club at your school or better yet, start something that you’ve always wanted to participate in. As a rising junior, I find myself with only a short time left in high school. I have realized that you have to take advantage of every opportunity available. High school is the time to make connections, so take this school year as the time to put yourself out there and meet new people. You should also take this year to experiment in all aspects of your life. Figure out what works for you because the habits that you develop now will influence your physical and mental health in the future. 

While there will be a lot of exciting things to work on this year, I also have some advice for you all. Whatever isn’t working for you, whatever is keeping you from being who you want to be and whatever is holding you back from moving on, push it away. Find what works for you, and eliminate everything else. I always like to refer people to the 90 percent rule, which states that if an item or activity’s rating is less than 90 out of 100, your response should be “no”. I believe that this rule should be used to allow you to purge the negativity from your life. Use this rule to help yourself quit harmful habits and to replace those habits with practices that will help you improve your life. 

When the first day of school arrives, if it hasn’t already, remember to make the most of this year. If you are a rising freshman, know that high school and middle school are vastly different. If you did not enjoy middle school, that does not mean that you won’t enjoy high school. If you didn’t enjoy high school, then try looking at it through a different lens. I believe that with the support from your friends and family, you will be able to make your high school years unforgettable. This school year, eliminate the things that are holding you back, and take advantage of every opportunity that you can to find what gives YOU purpose, a purpose that may be your driving force for long past your high school years. 


  1. This article is awesome, just like you!!

  2. Sonia, great thinking about finding purpose for your life! As you find purpose and when you are taking an active part, your enjoyment increases as you invest yourself with time and commitment to whatever you are doing. Awesome thoughts, and the graphic is wonderful, Angelina! Thanks for sharing, Ms. L

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. How introspective and thought provoking. Your words are great advice to any student but especially to underclassman (freshman). You will never know what wonderful things are out there unless you take calculated healthy risks and make connections with others, you stated this very well. I thought you did a great job encouraging students to take advantage of all the opportunities in front of them. Excellent job!!!!

  4. Sonia,
    Your post is inspiring and motivating for readers. You included great perspectives and advice that other students (and adults) can benefit from! I personally enjoyed your reference to the 90 percent rule- this is a great way to step back and evaluate what things are pushing you forward or holding you back in life. I also really like the visual you created illustrating the opportunity zone and comfort zone- this is an important reminder for us all that we tend to grow and learn the most OUTSIDE of our comfort zone. Thank you for sharing such a valuable perspective, great job!

  5. Yes! Finding one's purpose and focusing on activities that have positive effects are very important and sometimes that does mean stepping out of one's comfort zone. This is an inspiring message for students as they begin the year or may be struggling in the middle of the semester-establishing new habits, leaving behind negative experiences may be just the thing to get someone back on track.

  6. This is really great advice!!! Everyone needs a motivational reminder every now and then to make sure they push themselves to be their best.

  7. Awesome advice. I think every student should remind themselves of this frequently to keep them going in a good positive direction that is best for them. This is an great read!

  8. Sonia,
    You offer outstanding advice and guidance in your letter to your peers. It is awesome for students to hear positive encouragement from their peers. I especially appreciate your call to action for students to get involved in a club or other school related opportunity.

  9. Sonia,
    What an amazing message to send to your peers! It is wonderful to see you uplifting your peers and delivering such insightful advice. It is not often that high school students have the courage or foresight to take chances and try new things. It is great that you are willing to push yourself, cast aside negative influences, and encourage your peers.

  10. I love your message to your fellow peers that encourages them to take advantage of new opportunities and for them to try something new. Life takes on more meaning when you are enjoying living it!

  11. You never know what you might love until you try it. You could go your entire life without ever finding where you belong if you do not move out of your comfort zone. Every new adventure starts with an uncomfortable first step, but it could be the adventure of a lifetime. You can do it!!

  12. Great message for your peers. It is inspiring and allows them to feel more secure knowing that they have someone they can relate to. But, not only can students benefit from this message, I believe that some adults may find it meaningful as well.

  13. I really enjoyed your article. I agree that it is extremely important for students to get involved with school. By socializing with peers and taking advantage of the opportunities around you, school is much more enjoyable. Everyone should always strive for excellence. This mentality leads to a good work ethic which will ultimately bring you success in the future.

  14. I live for “getting out of my comfort zone”. It is so hard, especially as a high school student. How do you find yourself, fit in, and step out of that comfort zone all at the same time?? I think you have great suggestions to make connections, join new clubs or activities, and strive for excellence.
