Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Make Homework less Work

By: Chloe P
You come home, sit at your desk, open up your school planner and this is what you see:
And then you just slam the planner shut and go to sleep. After all, it’s been a long day, right?
Well, we can’t all just do that every day. And besides, it’s best to get homework over with as soon as possible; you know, work then play. But that’s easier said than done, especially when the amount of homework can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips to make mounds of homework less work.
Make a Plan
If you’re like the person in the introduction, you’re sort of in good shape. After all, you’re at least writing down the assignments that need to be completed. Of course, it could be a little neater...
There, the planner sample above lists the same amount of homework as the one in the beginning of the article, but the use of abbreviations and concise wording makes the homework seem like less. In other words, when writing down homework, use as few words as possible, enough to jog your memory on the requirements of the assignment. And if you are currently not using a planner, start using one.
After writing down the homework, strive to get some finished if you have time during school. I am not saying that you should do homework the day it is due in another teacher’s class, especially if you don’t have permission from the instructor. Usually, teachers do not have a problem if you work on other stuff after you finish the class work assignments, but check your teacher’s policy before doing homework during school. After you finish a homework assignment, cross it out in your planner or make a checkmark, etc.
Usually, you won’t be able to do all your homework during school (if you are, then hooray!). As you’re going home, think about the assignments you weren’t able to finish and budget your time accordingly.
Time and Place
It’s important that you do your homework without any distractions. If you do your homework at your desk, move everything away that can distract you: cell-phone, laptop (unless you need it to do an assignment), iPad, etc. Even a good book can be distracting. And never do your homework in a room that contains a television. If your bedroom happens to have one, find another place to do your homework or unplug the television.
Another formidable enemy is clutter, so make sure your homework space is clear. Once you clean it up, maintain it; don’t waste homework time cleaning your bedroom.
Your homework space needs to be large enough to have all your homework materials at hand. If your bed takes up more than half of your room, it’s best to find a different place to do your homework.
Don’t Procrastinate
I have a friend who gets home from sport’s practice at 6:00 pm. He doesn’t start his homework until 9:00 pm and it’s not because of dinner or showers, etc. It’s because he pushes it off and he then ends up sleeping past midnight. All of us like sleeping past midnight if we’re at a party, but not because of homework. Therefore, get to work immediately. That way, you’ll finish it sooner.
Breaks are O.K.
You’re halfway through your PreCal homework and your brain is just dead. You can’t think at all, to the point that you’re saying 2+2=22! It’s time to take a break.
Personally, I take a break between each subject. I do AP World History homework (my one NCVPS course this semester), take a break, and then I start AP Latin homework. During my break, I have a snack (your brain needs and burns calories too), listen to music, and maybe entertain myself with a little YouTube. Just have a little bit of fun between homework assignments.

I’m Taking Forever Because I Don’t Understand!!!
Get help when you need it! Sometimes your parents can help. If you have your teacher’s phone number or e-mail, contact him or her. All NCVPS teachers give contact information when you need help. Talk over Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Blackboard IM (if it’s NCVPS), Moodle IM (if it’s NCVPS), etc. Text your friends (come on, you at least have one smart one…) If all else fails, get a tutor through the NCVPS Peer Tutoring Center. Let’s say you take Algebra II at school, you can still ask an NCVPS Algebra II Peer Tutor. It’s free tutoring! Also, homework help is available all over the internet. Use technology when you can.

After you form a plan and set up everything, homework should become less of an enemy and more of a routine.


  1. Verda Agan (NCVPS PTC Ambassador)March 1, 2013 at 3:57 PM

    What a wonderful article! Thank you so much for the tips on how to keep a well-organized planner! I have a tendency to write too much, but now I am going to cut back on my diction and use few and concise words so that my planner will look more neat. Also, I definitely agree with taking breaks between homework. It's incredibly important that we rest our brains in between assignments so that our energy may be conserved and we don't go "brain dead" after just doing homework for one or two classes.

    Thank you for the great tips!

  2. This is a great article. I'm going to share it with students in my f2f school.. I think prioritizing is the hardest things for students to do.

    1. Looking at the big picture of your week ahead is much easier when you have it in a planner. Great advice!

    2. Great article on using a planner, organizing, and prioritizing. I am going to ensure that the ELAs in my district know how to access these articles for the online students in our district! Thanks so much for providing timely, pertinent articles.

    3. I agree. I think prioritizing is a valuable skill for learning success and has increased value when recommended by a peer.

  3. You made some wonderful points in this article. As a teacher, I have to use a planner each day to prioritize my tasks and keep myself organized.

  4. If you preview the material and then take a few minutes to reflect on the questions or topic, it helps to organize your thoughts. If you find that you just don't understand, then contact your Peer Tutor Buddy for some advice.

  5. I think this is extremely useful for all students! Learning time management and setting goals is important not only for school but for the future!

  6. This article has easy to follow tips on getting yourself organized and managing your time. This is a great article. Thank you

  7. Chloe - I really like how you broke down the plan into steps with solutions. All students have homework and being able to manage your time is essential to success. Great job and very useful for all students!

  8. Daniella Stamm- I feel this is very important for students to learn. I like the steps and suggestions on how to make a plan. Often times we as teachers expect students to know how to study but in reality they do not and we must provide guidance.

    1. Good point, Daniella. Teachers sometimes do expect students just to know this...but they don't always know how to study.

  9. It's important that online students understand they need to be more active with their learning. Student passivity that is prevalent in face-to-face classrooms is a major hindrance to the online student. Motivating students to make the effort to actually seek help is a major battle. Too many students just do the work and turn it in knowing it is wrong rather than take the time to understand first.

  10. This is such a clear step by step way of getting organized to keep up with homework! I am very surprised that more people don't keep a planner or have some sort of system for getting everything done. Thank you for the great suggestions!

  11. Neat article, nicely written and very sound advice for students.

  12. Procrastination is the enemy of the good. Get organized and don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

  13. Ahhh, procrastination! It really is sad when that causes an amazing student to not have the success of which they are capable!

    1. Agreed! Procrastination is probably the big factor in students not completing homework.

  14. Mrs. Seymour (Spanish Instructor)March 29, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    If you aren't using a planner or you don't have one, I urge you to follow Stephanie's advice here.... get one! Check with your school. Many schools often provide planners for students at the beginning of the year.

  15. This is excellent advice. As a teacher, I support everything that is written in this post. I allow students to work on other homework if they have finished my assignment. Time management is important, and extra class time is a great way to sneak in some extra time during the school day! I am also a huge fan of planners. In fact, I think I have about three of my own and I love marking through things when I have completed them. Students are expected to use planners at our school and their use often correlates with student success.

  16. Great advice, Chloe! I love the point about avoiding distractions--I find that with a poor memory, when distractions surround me, I am less likely to convert what I am trying to learn into my long-term memory. I also like your point about using abbreviations in writing down your assignments--the psychology behind it can help one feel less overwhelmed! Keep up the good work and good luck in your studies!

    Mrs. Partin

  17. John Spicer - This article sets up a great plan that will help students complete homework. Planning and not procrastinating are key!

  18. Great job with this, Chloe. The advice is sound for busy teachers and students. I'm going to have my son read this - he's a h.s. junior with AP exams and the SAT on the horizon - and he needs to hear (from someone other than his mother!) that the workload is manageable and the rewards are great. Thanks for the reminders about the planner, too. It's vital!

  19. These are good tips for everyone, not just young students. We all forget on occasion the importance of shaving off time in even the tiniest of ways, like short hand, which is a lost art, in order to maximize life outside of work.

  20. Everyone needs these tips over and over. A planner is essential; I cannot get by without one and I probably have less on my plate than young adults in school. You have mentioned life long skills that will transcend so many tasks. I love the idea that social media (where students are ) can now be a source of help. Changing what you do on twitter, Facebook, is a huge step! Planner can be electronic too! I don't know what I would do without my alarm telling me it was time for conference calls each week!

  21. Chloe, I really like your helpful suggestions on doing homework. Even as teachers, we need to use these tips because we also get tired and overwhelmed at times. Taking breaks is a good thing, especially after sitting at a desk or table using a computer. It's good to move your body around and clear your brain. Distractions are everywhere, especially when we may not have the drive to concentrate at study time; avoiding them is hard. Great suggestions, Chloe!

  22. My daughter is a freshman, and needs to read this article! I think you must have been looking in on her when you wrote the introduction. :-) Thanks for all the support you are giving with this article.

  23. I am glad you encourage your readers to set a plan for the completion of homework and assignments.Some students do not know where to start with their school work and I think your article gives great tips on how to get organized.

  24. Chloe,good for you to encourage students to get help from PTC!!! Some students are afraid to ask questions and I think PTC is a good way to get answers to questions.

  25. You provide some great suggestions and ideas. I always try to complete the hardest things first (or the ones I dread the most) to get them over with. It is no fun when I'm so worn out and tired to be facing the largest mountain of the evening.

  26. You have provided some valuable information in your blog. You are correct that breaks are needed and valuable. You have given students a great way to prepare for their classes. The tools that you provided are not only important for a student but will be essential for their success after school.

  27. Hi Chloe,

    Well done! All of your suggestions are good ones! As a curriculum designer, I have tasks that I have to complete everyday, so I always make lists and set goals for myself everyday. Keep up the good work! :)

  28. Time management is one of the hardest skills to master. It seems we are asked to do more and more for school or work and have little time for life outside that. You've got to schedule down time as well. If you are not well rested and destressed, you are not going to be as successful as you can be.

  29. You give great tips that are valuable to ALL students - as a teacher, I see the problems caused lack of time management and procrastination quite often. I am going to have my AP/IB Bio students read your tips - perhaps seeing a fellow student emphasize the importance of not procrastinating and taking timed breaks will hit home.

  30. Great post focusing on time management and when it's time to say "enough is enough"! Setting goals is extremely important when working through assignments or even daily tasks, thus creating a list or check sheet is a great tool to accomplish this. However, when you create that list go ahead and add some "personal" time to ensure that you take a break, power up and regroup.

  31. Great job. Procrastination seems to be the biggest problem for students. They need to learn this early so they will be successful in all aspects of their lives.

  32. As a learner and teacher I have realized that BREAKS ARE OK! I am so glad that you said it. It took me quiet some time to realize this in my own academic career, and now I have come to rely on them. It is a tiny incentive to work towards. It also helps with compartmentalization, as I use breaks to change subject areas! I wish I heard this growing up.

  33. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy! It is a great idea to try to space things out as best you can so that you are not overwhelmed. Sometimes,, our responsibilities are so great that we feel like all we are doing is trying to stay afloat. If you plan out your time better, it may turn out that you have more time than you think. Procrastination tends to "create" time crunches when they don't necessarily exist in nature.

  34. Great topic! I notice that when I put things off, I am always thinking about them and they become bigger than they really are. If I would just simply sit down and do them, they usually are not so bad!!!

  35. Great Advice! I think that I am always more productive when I set the stage - no IPad or iphone. I also like the idea of using time wisely. I think that if we really look we would all see that we have a lot of wasted time. I think that if we all planned(no putting things off), and productive our stress levels would decrease/

  36. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this great article.Homework can certainly become easier for many students if they do learn to budget their time accordingly.

  37. Great advice! Finding a good environment to complete your homework is crucial to being able to complete it in a reasonable amount of time accurately. And if the homework is taking hours upon hours every night then something is not right, students should definitely ask for help or advice, if not from the teacher then from a peer tutor.

  38. Excellent advice!! And definitely ask for help! Your classmates, teacher, and the peer tutors are ALL EXCELLENT resources!

  39. Distractions are a major reason for students not getting their assignments done. One has to turn off the cell phone! Thanks for the wonderful advice. RB

  40. Great advice. As a f2f teacher I can honestly say that my best students are those who use planners and use time management strategies

  41. Yes you make some very good points. A plan is a must and the planner suggestion was great. It is also a great idea to plan to take a break sometimes stepping away helps clear your mind.

  42. Great advice! I really need this for my son! (And myself on some days!) Asking for help is essential! Teachers appreciate knowing you are TRYING to understand.

  43. Rhonda Hill - Having a place to study and a set study time is so helpful. Also reducing the distractions around you is awesome. I have to keep a calendar/agenda so that I can keep up with everything. All are great ideas.

  44. Great tips! Planners or agendas are a great strategy to use to stay organized! Taking breaks in between courses and getting a snack are great ideas. Asking for help or communicating with your teacher is essential especially in an online environment.

  45. I really feel the importance of sleep is underestimated by most of us, including students. To get the proper amount of sleep each night means you can function better the next day and not get a short temper when school/ friends/ family become frustrating. Making sure there is enough time for sleep does require some planning and some prioritizing. I love the visuals here of good agendas versus weaker ones.

  46. I really liked the fact you emphasized that it's OK for students to take a break when they've been working awhile. It's true. Our brains can only handle so much. You've made an important distinction that amount of time spent is not as important as quality time spent on homework.

  47. I liked how you discussed "making a plan" which is often the trickiest yet one of the most crucial skills to being a highly functional and successful adult. I think back on what I thought was busy until now where there are thrice as many things on my plate with fewer people reminding me when its due. I think learning what can be done now (versus later) or setting benchmarks (week 1 - have X done, week 2- Y half completed, week 3- deadline for Z, etc) are essential. Nice work! - Rebecca Hite

  48. I like the stress on organization and a plan- these make for good habits later

  49. Great job discussing these tips for being successful! I think many of my students struggle with making a plan and sticking to it-- often, I try to encourage them to set personal goals that are realistic vs. me setting a goal for them.

  50. Students must become life-long learners and so learning must be a part of their everyday life.

  51. Great tips that students can relate to. They need to realize that they can social media to their advantage instead of using it to waste time.

  52. These are awesome tips for students - and adults, too! We all have our "homework". It's key to keep track of our "assignments" and tasks with a planner! I love the reminder to take breaks and enjoy time as well. Work AND play are both important!

  53. These simple tips should help anyone take control of their homework assignments. I often got distracted by everything else when I was working on homework, so I would definitely recommend finding a good homework spot to be able to think clearly!

  54. All your tips are great! These are great tips for anyone: student, teacher, etc. Prioritizing is definitely important and making sure you're in a place with no distractions. Procrastination seems to get many of us, so we need to watch out for that. I also agree that breaks are necessary for you to continue and not burn out so fast. You did a great job on this. :)

  55. As a teacher, I found it very interesting that you said "I am taking forever because I don't understand." We all too often misinterpret that as "I don't care." Thanks for the reminder to not forget about anyone.

  56. Excellent tips! I especially like the suggestion of taking a break. Giving your brain a little time to unwind and fuel up with a snack. It is surprising how much easier the material seems once you return to it after a short revitalizing break.

  57. I feel like I know students better after reading this article-thanks! I remember how frustrating homework used to be!

  58. When you get tired or frustrated take a 15 minute break then go back toit to get your assignments done by the due date.

  59. Nice tips. Procrastination is the major problem with most people. Not waiting to the last minute would cure a lot of our problems!

  60. I think most of my students in Success 101 have said that procrastination is their worst enemy. Glad to see you included it in your steps to make homework less work.

  61. I think my students who use such time management skills shows in the work they submit. Others who rush through because they are at a deadline often have inferior work.

  62. Awesome Article! this is a step by step method of helping yourself be more productive and lowers stress. this is great to share for our f2f classes.

  63. This is a good article for f2f or online classes. I wish more of my students would get help instead of anguishing over not understanding the material in silence.

  64. You give some excellent tips for how to organize your work time so as not to get burned out or overwhelmed. I also like how you summarize with the many different avenues for getting additional help through the PTC. Great article!

  65. These are great tips, and wonderful advice for students in both face-to-face and online classes. I think my favorite tips you mentioned are to make a plan and take breaks.

  66. These are excellent tips, not only for students, but adults. I hadn't thought about it that way, but work-life or school-life balance really is a three point triangle. It's great you included sleep in there. That is one that we often overlook, but one that is critical to happiness.

  67. I reckon I need to take some of this advice to heart!!!! Thanks for sharing. The study skills and time management issues are so critical for today's youths and ALAS there are only 24 hours in the day.

  68. Mrs. Clark (Spanish teacher)- Take the assignments due each week and work on two a night. It's a GREAT way to plan out your week and be strategic your time.

  69. So many students try to do everything at one that they end up doing not much of anything. Your point that it's ok to take a break is something that I wish more of my students would embrace!

  70. I enjoyed your plan of action- Many times we wish things were different, we may even try to change bad habits, but we don't make a plan and stick to it. Life is overwhelming when you fall behind..

  71. It's really part of growing up, right? Whether you have after-school activities of sports, job, homework, etc., we all either "plan our time" or otherwise "have no time plan." It's amazing how much better it makes you feel when you have a plan. I thought your idea of writing homework down and checking it off was great because it gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

  72. This is a well written article and I hope students get the message. Success is in so many ways related to organization (what works for each student will vary) but being motivated to get it done as well. Keep up the good work!

  73. One of the tricks I used in college was to do what I wanted to do least first. I know that sounds crazy, but it worked. If I really wanted to sleep, I would tell myself I had to do 10 math problems first and then I could take a nap. Or if I had a new book I was dying to read, I would force myself to do my reading for my economics class first. Likewise, I would also give myself big rewards, like out to dinner with a friend if I finished my research paper early. These little incentives keep me going, especially when I wasn't feeling motivated.

  74. I have many students tell me that they work so much better when they are listening to music but I have yet to find that student. Usually before fifteen minutes has passed they are off on a music video of some sort and the work left behind.

  75. These are some great techniques to try for the students. This should be a must read for all students. It is hard for students to stay on task during an online course and I believe that structure and time management are key.

  76. Good tips on how to get better organized and setting aside time to do your homework.

  77. Great article Stephanie. I think the lesson of teaching students (and everyone for that matter) to be organized and work smarter not hard is a great idea.

  78. This is a great article. I have to do the same between my f2f job and NCVPS. I need a little downtime, which is usually Facebook, before I jump into my 2nd job. This is especially helpful for students so they know it's ok to take breaks. Healthy actually. :)

  79. I find it really helps me to take a break, even just 5 minutes, after I have been working on a task for a long period of time. It really helps you regroup and refocus!

  80. I work best when I listen to music which blocks out all other distractions so I can study. Your comments were really very helpful!

  81. Great job Stephanie. Those of us who are organized assume that everyone can be. I have learned over the years that being organized is not innate for everyone. It is harder for some people but even those can learn it with effort. Having someone help you with it on a daily basis until you get the pattern helps.

  82. I share with my students all the time that breaks (with homework) are o.k. and we evaluate ways to procrastinate less:)

  83. Excellent advice! All of your ideas are good. The planner is so important. Teachers usually try to get students in that habit in middle school, but then in high school sometimes students think they will remember or will keep up with that little piece of paper.... I teach both online with NCVPS and f2f; I plan to share your comments with my own students! Carry on!

  84. These are some great ideas, I use many of them with my face to face students.

  85. I really like the information you posted! One of the main problems students have in online learning is that they don't have any organizational skills. Every week they have assignments due and they think they have weeks to do them. Then they get new one and soon they are behind. I really like the tips you give I always recommend the students to print their schedule if the class has one available.

  86. Great advice! Planning so important and I think students need to learn how to prioritize their work. It is a skill that needs to be taught. I think that more study halls should be implemented at an early grade so they can learn to get work done and balance their work and outside activity.I teach both online and f2f, I will definitely share your ideas with my students. Millie Hernandez

  87. Great blog Stephanie:
    Make a Plan - So true, not matter if deals with homework, family plans, work or even fun.
    Time and Place - Just like your home office. you don't want to mix business with pleasure (or homework and leisure)
    Don’t Procrastinate - You may delay, but time won't. Procrastination not only hurts you academically, but occupationally as well.
    Breaks are O.K. - In fact I'm going to take one right now. I may be able to focus better when I return.
    I’m Taking Forever Because I Don’t Understand!!! - Just like when student utilize an NCVPS peer tutor to help expedite an assignment, we too as professionals can seek advice and tips from our colleagues to help us succeed.

  88. So many good points and advice for tackling homework! It can be overwhelming or discouraging but your tips help to provide practical steps to making homework not only something to be completed, but something to learn from.

  89. very good points regarding having a place to work without distractions and all NCVPS teachers provide contact information, your post was inspiring and I like the examples of making the journal a bit less intimidating

  90. I love the point about taking breaks are o.k. So many times students try to muscle through it and end up frustrated. You can do much better work when you are "fresh" even if it means loosing some time working while you re-group.

  91. The article was very enjoyable to read and informative! I started using a planner in high school because my school distributed them every year (may have started earlier, but I don't remember!). I used the planner so much that I started using one in college and still do for teaching. I write down everything I need to do in the planner! The planner not only reminds me of to-dos, but also helps me pace myself and manage my time better. If you do not currently use a planner I highly suggest getting one!

  92. At the school where I teach, we distribute planner each year, and unfortunately over half of our students do not use this great resource! I like the advice in this article and I wish others would take your advice and become more organized!

  93. Time management is essential to the motivated and busy student. As a teacher in the face-to-face classroom, it never bothered me to see a student (who had finished the work for my class) pull out a book and work on another class. Having been a busy student myself and having a daughter who was so busy in high school, sometimes she had little time at night to do her work. So take those downtimes in other classes and put them to good use.

  94. What a great way to form a community in an online environment and how helpful that students know where to go to get that help. Mary Jo Loftin, Journalism teacher

  95. Anytime students can work with other students online, good things will happen! Mary Jo Loftin, Journalism teacher.

  96. Well said. I liked that part of making the homework notes concise and neat, because in most cases, just the idea of seeing too much may discourage the students to get it done.
    Better time management is the key to succeed at doing this.

  97. Great job with your post. It sounds like you have taken our online Success 101 course :) . We address these same issues in this course. I love your ideas for staying organized and getting your work done in a timely manner.
    I've advertised this blog to my students before but will do so again. I want to make sure they're reading all these wonderful tips!

  98. Great advice in your post. I love your strategies and am going to make my middle school son read this. Thank you!

  99. When one doesn't fully understand an idea or concept it is not reasonable to stagnate progress due to the lack of a complete understanding. Oftentimes it is more beneficial to jump in and explore until things start becoming clear or making sense. Waiting to do anything is not productive. Minimally, trial and error omits possibilities and will be useful in narrowing field of study. How many times did it take to get the incandescent light bulb to work......?

  100. These are great tips for everyone! Great way to state the strategies! Time management and communication are key to success here and beyond NCVPS!

  101. You have made several good points, however the strategy that I want to "Amen" is the one about working in a quite area. While completing homework, it is very important to work in a quite area where there are few distractions. Distractions will take away from the time that could be spent in doing homework, thus making homework time seem longer.

  102. I completely agree with so many of the suggestions you make in this article. Having a plan of action is so important, especially during the extremely hectic times during the school year. I hope students take these ideas to heart and try to make life less complicated while becoming more successful!

  103. Very insightful article. All the points are terrific and very practical, but the application is where the battle is. The one I feel is most relevant is Procrastination. The mind is a wonderful thing and it needs to be trained correctly. Habits form and some we're stuck with. "....let's see, I should have time tomorrow between this class and that class or even at lunch to do this because it isn't due until Friday!" The problem is that the "tomorrow" that's envisioned, never shows up. As soon as it arrrives, it fills up very quickly with its own problems and things that need attention. DO IT NOW! and then see what time you have left over for other things.

  104. I like your suggestions, especially about taking breaks. Too many students get stressed about work and then just shut down. Taking a break for a snack or a run is often enough to refocus on the work.

  105. Your ideas can be applied for everyone. I really like you statement of strategies, time management and communication. All three are keys to success.

  106. This is a very positive spin on homework with reasonable strategies and really excellent peer advice!

  107. Very nicely said! We all have had that overwhelmed feeling - too much to do, and not knowing where to start. You lay out a means to move past that anxiety and move forward with what needs to be done!

  108. Great advice. I wish all students would read through this and use at least one everyday. Great work!

  109. Fantastic Chloe - you are doing a good job in AP World, so I am glad you are sharing some "best practices" :) Mrs. McEachen

  110. This is a great article with some great advice, I might have to share this with my f2f students :) As a teacher I have to use a planner all the time to keep myself organized and on task. I've found that if I procrastinate a task I'm always worrying about it and it becomes a much bigger task in the end when it shouldn't have been if I had just done it right away .

  111. Yes! Do not procrastinate just because you get caught up on one item. Great advice. I know that there can sometimes be a "backlash" for asking for clarification from instructors. Teachers are busy and can be impatient but it pays to be courteous and persistent.

  112. These are all good ideas. I wish my f2f and NCVPS students were better at organization and completing necessary tasks on time.

  113. This is great advice that I wish more students would consider. Taking a moment to ask for help can go a long way.

  114. Live by your lists! Time management is the name of the game for the over-achieving student having enough time to complete homework. My f2f school REQUIRES students to read during lunch, dismissal, and even when waiting for an assembly to start! Learning to use your time wisely is at the heart of good time management skills.

  115. Great advice. Good time management is a great asset to have.

  116. You have some really good advice here. One of the biggest problems I see is that many students don't take advantage of the help that is offered. If they don't understand something, they tend to either not do the homework or just plow through it to get it done. I would like to see more students take your advice and ask for help when they need it. There are so many opportunities at their fingertips.

  117. This was a great article explaining the logic behind using strong planning skills to keep yourself organized. I especially thought the example of someone getting home at 6 and not starting homework until 9 was helpful, as that is a common trap for me. The tips were very logically presented and organized, as well as easy to implement.

    1. Great points. I thoroughly agree. Tips were very logical'

  118. Great article. Well written explanation of the importance of well-rounded students. This is so important for academic success.

  119. I liked this article a lot -- very practical tips and honest, too. Shows a student how to make homework manageable and not overwhelming.

  120. I really like how you broke down the plan into steps with solutions. As a teacher I am always telling students to try and organize their time along with using their planners. Great job and very useful for all students!

  121. If only all students approached homework in this way. It would be great if everyone had a planner like yours and wrote down all their assignments.

  122. I love making plans and getting organized before I begin working on assignments. I think making notes and getting to cross out the accomplished tasks makes me feel as though I am accomplishing the tasks and finish more to get my list down. I wish all students could learn these skills!

  123. You have offered some great advice. It seems that most students tend to wait to the last minute to get things done. By taking your advice, students would more successful in their classes.

  124. I wonder how many of my students would pay more attention to this advice coming from me versus their teacher! Thanks for being a voice of sanity in some insane lives (and good luck on your AP World exam!)

  125. This is a great article with fantastic, relevant advice to students. It's nice for students to hear other students give tips and advice, as they are much more inclined to listen to you/each other than adults/the teacher. Thanks for being a PTC Volunteer and keep up the great work! :-)

  126. This is certainly a great article because students have so many choices. Reading this article will help some of them reevaluate their priorities and make better decisions.

  127. This is great advice. The most important (and hard for students to do) is to ASK FOR HELP. So many students get frustrated and "give up" when all they may need is to hear the information a different way. This is also great advice for LIFE. Thank you for putting this together!

  128. The article has a lot of grade advice. One thing I tell my f2f and online students is when they do not understand what they are listening to, they need to walk away for a few minutes and then try again. If they are still are not sure they need to ask for help. I wish more students would ask for help when they do not understand.

  129. I really like the triangle graphic!

  130. There is so much good advice in this article for student success. Using a planner, asking for help, and not procrastinating is ultimately the key to success in life. Thanks for the awesome article!!

  131. Great tips. I will definitely consider this next time I am planning assignments!

  132. Great tips. I love that you talked about distractions. Often people think they need background noise or that they can work with the tv on...but we all know that we aren't giving our full attention to the task.

  133. Wonderful advice. Speaking from personal experience, a little down time is often my saving grace! :)

  134. This is great advice. Two keys to student success: getting organized and asking for help wen you need it!

    1. One thing students rarely do in my courses is ask for help. Those that do excel in the course better than those that never ask for help.... Ya think?

  135. These are great tips! Even as a teacher I still use a planner, it helps keep me organized and reminds me of what I need to do. Also good advice to ask for help. Sometimes just asking a quick question can make a huge difference and quickly help when trying to figure out a question or assignment.

  136. These tips are great for students! I feel this is valuable for everybody even myself! The tips are clear and to the point. A great deal of my students deals with these issues. I think as a teacher we have to remind students of these helpful tips to help succeed!

  137. Fantastic and important article for ALL students, Stephanie! Time Management and Procrastination are the most common issues students are dealing with. These issues cause my students stress and increasingly result in them falling behind. Thanks for the great tips!

  138. I just keep thinking how great this type of resource would be for my face to face students too. This is such a fantastic tool. Thanks for all of your great advice. Ive learned a lot just being a spectator.

  139. As a teacher, I do use a planner, but even so, it is still hard to stick to it. I like your ideas about routine and breaks! I usually get focused and don't want to stop until it is done-which sometimes creates some work that isn't all it could be!

  140. One of the hardest things for Online students to do is to develop a discipline to always set aside a specific time of day to do their online work. Once you do this you will do much better in the online course you are in.

  141. These are great tips, even for myself as a teacher! I am easily distracted while I'm doing my work. It's definitely not a bad idea to find a place where it's easy to remove distractions from the work area and turn off the television.

  142. Planning and sticking to it! Two steps that will open doors to success! If I still feel overwhelmed, then I know it's time to ask for help! Students have certainly benefited when tutors have given them a hand :)

  143. Even though often ends up taking a back seat to the other two, at your ages (yes, I'm a teacher, but this is even more important in your teens than in your 30s-40s), you really need to make sleep the immovable part of this triangle. Tons of psych research shows that you really need nine hours a night at your age, and without it, you are likely to experience cognitive issues (i.e. your schoolwork will suffer) and emotional issues (i.e. your social life will suffer because you won't be as emphathetic or fun to be with). It can be hard to be disciplined with sleep, but if you pencil that in first and don't compromise, the rest of it will start to fall into place. You'll probably sacrifice some social media or TV, but you'll gain so much more.

  144. I agree. It is easy to get distracted especially if your work requires getting on the computer. It is better to find a place that keeps you focused.

  145. Great information shared. It's a challenge for some students to be organized. It's great there are tutors available to help them out.

  146. You are on point here! Creating a good atmosphere and focusing on the task at hand are critical. I also liked what you said about taking a break every now and then. Many times if you step away from a problem for a few minutes, then it will become clearer to you upon returning.

  147. Great organizational tips!! This will really help students stay on top of tasks that need to get done! There are so many things that students need to do each day for different subject areas, after school activities, social life, etc. that things can easily be forgotten!

  148. Chloe, what helpful tips! It's great to get advice that kids can actually act on. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  149. Great information in your article. I agree that it is very important to get organized so you can manage all ascepts of your life. A planner and calender is a great way for you to keep up with dates and important information.

  150. I agree that a planner and a plan are MUST HAVES - I also agree that its really important to know when to ask for help! I hope the PTC will be a great resource in those instances! ;-) but also know other place that you can go! Thanks again for such a thoughtful and well written article!

  151. Organization is key. I have always told my kids when I send them out the door to college. Grades are first. Family is second. AFter that you choose.

  152. This was very good advice. In order to make your life simpler, you must organize. Balancing your time is essential for success.

  153. The way work is organized makes a huge difference! When I was growing up I haed to clean the kitchen. My favorite aunt showed me how organizing dirty dishes made it seem like less work to clean a kitchen. I still don't like it much but I can do it muc quicker!

  154. This is a great article for students because most students feel as though they are on an island by themselves. With the suggestions it can help them get over the achievement hurdle. Having a middle school daughter who likes to do all of the things in your article, it was great for her to read some suggestions from a peer. Keep up the good work!

  155. I like the advice about setting up a routine. It is easy to put off doing homework, when we all know it works better to get out of the way the tasks that we do not particularly want to do!

  156. Great advice. Just getting started is sometimes the hardest thing to do!

  157. I totally agree with your advice! I implement a lot of those strategies as a teacher, especially the making a plan part. If I think about what I need to do it can seem overwhelming, but if I organize everything into a concise list it seems like less work.

  158. This is what parents tell their kids constantly, but from one student to another, it is very powerful as it makes it all seem like it is possible.

  159. Making a plan is such a great start. Encouraging students to use planners is just another strategy they can start using that will prepare them for life after high school.

  160. Great article! Thanks for taking the time to write it! I think , even as a teacher this can help me too!

  161. Great points in your article, organization can make any activity easier.

  162. Great post! This is true for students, teachers, parents, everyone. I believe that if you make time for what is truly important you will find more time for the rest. But you have to make good choices.

  163. Grace,
    You have talked about a very relevant subject, finding balance in life. It is a huge stress factor for many of us, and we have to find a way to balance it. Thanks for sharing some great ways to destress!
    Thanks, Ms. Loudermilk

  164. Good post! Students, teachers and everyone can benefit from a plan. We all have things we would rather be doing but if you get the things required done first then you enjoy doing the things you want to do.

  165. Great advice, students and teachers need to to have an action plan to tackle their work load. Having a clear plan, take action, and enjoy when you are finished with your tasks is a great way to be successful in any job and a great way to accomplished your goals.

  166. Stephanie,
    I really enjoyed your article. You have made excellent points for students to think about and follow. I have often told my students not to spend hours on a homework assignment when they know they are "stuck" Get help somewhere, from a study buddy or the teacher the next day.

  167. I really enjoyed your article, and I remember all too well the nights when I thought 3+3=33! Simple steps, like making a homework plan, will benefit many of our NCVPS students, I hope that they all take a minute to read your blog post. I function better with a neat list where I can cross off tasks as I complete them. Starting these habits in high school is a great idea, as these steps will prove even more beneficial when you head out to college.

  168. Great article that can help students to remember that they are not alone when it comes to homework. We all have it and we can all ask for help when we need it!

  169. Great job with the article! Another thing I used to do was highlight an assignment when I was done with it so I could clearly see what was done and what was not. It is important to take breaks while doing assignments. Your brain reaches a point where it just isn't functioning as clearly or taking longer. Good time to go for a snack or music break. And if you don't understand, ASK that is what your teacher is there for :)

  170. You shared some wonderful strategies for staying on top of your homework. As funny as it sounds, I love making to-do lists for myself too so that I can cross things off as soon as I finish them... such a rewarding sense of accomplishment that helps me to visually recognize what I have already done! -Mrs. Starman

  171. This is an amazing example of a skill that can take any person very far in any profession. You have already learned the concept of organization that works for you. I hope you are preaching this to all your peer tutoring buddies!!

  172. Beautifully written! I have repeated Don't Procrastinate and Breaks are OK a million times to every level student from middle school to post secondary levels. With all that we do online, even in f2f classes, student equate "I can do this at any time" to "I can log on the hour before it is due" and then are always shocked when technical issues pop up.

  173. Great tips Stephanie! Your tips are great for any overwhelming task, not just homework!

  174. Fantastic advice! Thank you! Ms. P

  175. Wow! I have two sons who have the same challenges in planning and getting their homework done. YOu have given us some wonderful strategies to follow in order to not "shut our planner" and give up and go to sleep. Thanks! Mme McDaniel

  176. Great, No-nonsense advice. Seems like common sense, but everyone needs these reminders.

  177. Fantastic thought, as the AVID coordinator and teacher at my f2f I spend many hours teaching how to prioritize and apply the best principles of concentration. It is all about the planning...great thought

  178. Great job highlighting some very important conditions to consider when doing homework! Isolating yourself from distractions makes a huge difference. The less things that we have fighting for our attention, the more we can focus on completing the task at hand to the best of our ability.

  179. When there's help available we need to stretch our hand and reach. You mentioned something very important: A PLAN and work and then play. I guess it really does not matter how old you are cause the sooner you start working on that pile of work... the sooner you can enjoy the rest of the day and not have that burden pushing you around, whispering" There's work that needs to be done". You manage your own time. You make a plan.

  180. You give some very relevant advice: the importance of planning. We have so many aspects to budget, and time and energy are two important ones. You address these with adeptness in a way that any peer could relate to you.

  181. Its great to ask for help as soon as you do not understand. Grasping key concepts early can really save you headaches later!

  182. Your article gives a lot of helpful advice. I especially like how you say breaks are ok. It you are trailing off after an hour of class, why plan on a 10 hr cram session?? I am always staying this to my students. Mix it up!

  183. I like your article because it gives practical advice about how to study. My favorite one is: Don't procrastinate!-many of us have that tendency especially with things we don't like or find difficult. I also like that you offer various suggestions on how to find help.

  184. I love the comment regarding the distractions. "Out of sight - out of mind" would sum it up nicely:)!

  185. I LOVE this article! Students desperately need to understand how organization and routine (although they might seem boring) are crucial to being successful. It is easy to get overwhelmed if you don't have a plan.

  186. Chloe, great advice! I think those tips are fantastic! I'm a firm believer that organization, breaks and seeking help are paramount in succeeding in classes! I will definitely be sending my students to this article so they can hear it from a student! Thanks!

  187. Great article that explains some key elements like planning, right place and time, knowing when to take a break, knowing when to ask for help and being efficient with your time when completing your homework. Most students struggle with the completion of their assignments. Having the above elements is a great start for being successful.

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