Monday, September 28, 2020

An Introduction to Youth Social Entrepreneurship



  1. Sylvie, what an interesting and appealing infographic to talk about this topic of Youth Social Entrepreneurship. Your research and presentation are easily understood and well documented. Thanks for sharing this infographic for our students and other viewers! Ms. Loudermilk

  2. Well organized and easy to read! Great job!

  3. Absolutely true! The topic of social entrepreneurship is something I wish our society as a whole thought about more often. I'm so glad you're thinking about how that applies to youth. (And you did an excellent job with your graphics)

  4. I think the infographic is an awesome touch to this information. Very informative and well presented. Social entrepreneurship is a interesting topic for this regeneration of youth and definitely something they can relate to and be interested in.

  5. This was a good read. I agree with the information provided in the blog. We need more of this throughout your communities to help guide our students on a positive path. Most of the students in my district main focus is how to make money. Why not make money for yourself? This is an excellent idea and hope it ignites like the video games.
