Saturday, September 22, 2018

Advice on Taking AP Classes


  1. This is a great blog with very helpful information regarding AP classes! I love the visual aids to make your information quick and easy to follow. The chart you including about distributing the load was perfect - I think all students should see this to help them manage their AP coursework. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. I truly enjoyed reading this blog. First of all, I love the layout. The colors, images, and design flow together so nicely. I can tell you put a lot of time and research into this post. Your tips and suggestions for taking AP courses are incredibly helpful to anyone considering this path. I appreciate your honesty. Excellent job!

  3. Being an AP teacher, I enjoyed reading advice and information presented by a student. Thank you for sharing this helpful insight with your other student colleagues. I really appreciate your tips that you share in this blog and I think you provide some very important information and advice for students considering AP courses.

  4. I truly enjoyed this blog. I am an AP teacher in my face to face school and see so many students struggling because of a key piece of advice I read, don't take AP classes just to have more on college applications. Students should have an interest and passion in the AP courses they take otherwise they will have a more difficult time in the course.

  5. As both the parent of a 9th-grade student and a teacher of an AP World Language course, I appreciated the visually appealing explanations and tips for how to best structure a high school schedule with AP courses depending on the students' interests and career goals. Many of my former AP students have let me know that their participation in AP courses made them feel much better prepared for college-level coursework.
