Thursday, December 6, 2018

In Over Your Head

By: Isabella S. 

Did you know that the way a diver makes known that they need to ascend is a thumbs up? It may be used if something is wrong with breathing equipment or there is some other emergency. However, if you or I saw this gesture we would likely believe it to a be a positive symbol. Sometimes, one can appear to be doing just fine, when they are really signalling for help.

Picture by Isabella S.

You may be turning in all of your homework on time, only to go to class and struggle with the next test. You may have many friends, but replace your own needs with theirs. Maybe you are the star of a sports team, but you no longer find joy in playing. You may be the leader of a school club, but have trouble seeing progress. Maybe you are the paradigm of a good student, but don’t take time to build friendships. You may be involved in every community organization and every club that comes your way, but you can’t give your full effort to any cause.

In high school, there are many responsibilities one may assume and you are most likely surrounded by people giving you advice on how best to succeed (that is what this blog is for). As you swim through these various waters be careful of your own limits. It is okay to abandon surging tides, even if you have been swimming in them for a long time. It is okay to ask for help and it is okay to fail.

At the beginning of your high school career it is important to experiment with different dives. It is necessary for you to explore your interests or potential interests. You may jump in to various groups and realize that this pool is not for you. If you are no longer interested in playing basketball, or the debate club is no longer acting as a vehicle for your own personal progress, or maybe you are not sleeping for more than a couple hours each night, it may be time to ascend.

As you read through this blog and garner advice on how to be successful, remember that your definition of success is most important. Do not jeopardize your own mental and emotional health in order to fit society’s notion of success. You may be successful in becoming a positive role model for your younger siblings. Success may look like being the friend that everyone can lean on for support and good advice. Success may be exploring a nagging question through research and discussion. It may include becoming more independent or learning to depend on others. If you are looking back at 2018 and feel like you’re sinking, use the new year to make changes. Ask your friends and family to help you re-evaluate your life and see where you are in over your head. Reflect on your situation by making a list of what you are involved in and what you want to be involved in. Do not forget to give yourself credit for all of your success this past year.

An Important Note: Your struggle may be more serious than simply reducing your load or joining a new group. If you are sinking and cannot find a way up, it is important that you ask for help. No diver jumps in without someone on shore to help pull them out. Seek the help of your parents, a guidance counselor, a mentor, or another trusted adult. If you are experiencing more difficulty than you feel comfortable sharing or believe you need help from someone more qualified, there are resources available. You will find some of them at this link: It is also important that you understand that you are not alone. Many students experience distress, but we misread their gesture as a thumbs up.  


  1. This is a great article and reminder in of itself. I needed to read this today as I am currently stressing myself out/getting ahead of myself. It really is important for students and everyone to look out for their mental health, especially for the younger generation and students. It is a difficult task to take care of yourself mentally nowadays as well. Thank you for the insightful article.

  2. This is very well written! The analogy of the diver works so well, and I love your picture of the choppy waters. I can't wait to share this with my own daughter!

  3. You have a great way with words. I love how you tied in the diving/swimming theme to mental health – a great analogy. Mental health awareness is incredibly important. We need to take care of ourselves and ask for help in times of need. It’s very easy to act like everything is under control on the outside – but on the inside – we are sinking. Thank you for sharing this powerful message!

  4. It is so important to understand one’s own limits and to not get in too deep. Checking in with yourself to see if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stretched too thin is a great way to remain self-aware and to see if it’s a good time to ask for help!

  5. It is extremely important to sit back, reflect, and prioritize your life. If there are things you feel like you aren't giving 100% to and are really important to you then maybe dropping some of the less important things and focusing on the others is the right idea. We all want to do as much as we can but mental health is important as well and anxiety and stress can make it to where when we are doing too many things we don't do any of them well. Taking time to reflect on your life and what you value is great advice!

  6. Isabella, you made a great analogy with diving, and I enjoyed the part where you wrote, "no one dives alone." You are wise beyond your years, and I feel that this should be shared with any student that is feeling helpless in the waters of life. Great work!

  7. Thank you for this informative post which is good for teachers and students. Your diving analogy is so creative. Mental health is so important and it cannot be talked about enough.

  8. I have to agree that your analogy to life's responsibilities and simple everyday tasks that we accumulate becoming overwhelming and or sometimes unhealthy is very engaging very any age group. Thanks for the links that provide extra help.

  9. This is such a great reminder as the stress of exams and final projects approach to ask for help and be aware of your mental health needs.

  10. This is a great reminder and applies to all ages. Even adults have these same feelings. It is super important to reach out when needed and to make sure your are looking out for your success, not what is success to others. Thank you for sharing!
