Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Simplifying Your Life by Lia T.


Copy of Tutor Talk Infographic: Simplifying Your Life by Lia T. by ning.angelina


  1. Great perspective on a high school student. It is always good to listen regardless of age and remember everyone is experiencing some form of stress and learning how to balance all the things that come with life. I love the reminder that it is not all about work or academics, the social pieces and the self-care are just as important! Great read :)

  2. Great reminders for high school students! It can be so easy to get completely caught up in the academics but being a well rounded student and person is very important too!

  3. I agree that this blog is the perfect reminder for students that truly are under the belief that taking as many AP classes as possible and being #1 in their class is their ticket to college. This blog puts life and high school life into perspective. This would be great to share with students during the first week of school!

  4. This is such a great reminder for students to realize that they are more than their grades and that there is more to life than getting straight A's. I think students forget that they are still kids and that they need to also have fun outside of school. It was great that you pointed out the AP classes, because AP classes are not for everyone and even college is not for everyone. Students need time to explore their interests so they can determine what they want to do post high school.

  5. I agree that high school should be enjoyed, not just lived through. There are so many things to learn beyond academics that will serve students well after graduation. Developing supportive friendships, learning to advocate and take care of yourself, and discovering hobbies/interests are skills for a balanced, happy, and healthy life.

  6. I completely agree with your first point that AP Course aren't everything. I think many times we can feel this is a must to get into the perfect college and sometimes may overlook the other elective opportunities or courses that are out there that can help you find your hobbies/interest/extracurricular activities. Great perspective and reminder that it's okay to just enjoy high school before being on your own in the world. P.S. Love the Canva layout you used.

  7. I think all high school students should see this! It is important to be studious, however like you said, there is so much more to high school. I especially like your examples for each area of "how to enjoy life".

  8. Thank you for helping to educate students about all the different things that are just as important as school/grades. One thing that can really help teenage anxiety and some of the negative emotional outcomes of quarantine is to take care of yourself and do things you enjoy.

  9. This is a good blog for all high school students. Of course education is important but your mental and emotional stability is more important. The more you can take care of yourself, the more likely you will be successful in your classes. Remember, you're an adult your whole life, you're only a student for a very short period of time. Enjoy everything high school is about!

  10. I agree with the sentiments in this article. A high school experience does not have to be all about books, studying, grades, and GPAs. For many students, enjoying their experience in high school is equally as important as grades and GPAs. I think this article serves as a great reminder that students can make a decision about the high school experience in which they desire, and simultaneously be successful in reaching their academic goals--I believe this concept can be applied in all areas, including balancing work, family, education and a personal life after high school.

  11. In essence the importance of the overall well being of students is being highlighted and this emphasis is very important. As an educator I am aware of the mental health crisis that teens particularly are currently experiencing. The emphasis on academic success for the purpose of financial gain, the societal conflicts that teens currently face coupled with a global pandemic has created significant stress and often an imbalance in daily life. This article does a good job of putting student success into perspective and offers suggestions for achieving balance. Appropriate self-care will allow students to experience life in a more profound way now and in the future.

  12. Not everyone considers how important mental health and BALANCE is in life...as a student and beyond. This blog presents ideas and tips for staying mentally healthy, which is vital. For anyone, if we get too overwhelmed with work and other commitments, we are neglected our mental health, which could be detrimental.

  13. This is such an important topic that young adults need to learn. In order to be a happy, productive, person you must find and maintain work/life balance! Great tips for High School students.

  14. I'm so glad you mentioned AP classes! AP classes are not for everyone. There is more to high school than having the highest class rank. I have had so many students burn out taking these upper level classes, and in the end, sacrificed their opportunity to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities. Balance is so important!

  15. I'm so glad you mentioned the pressure of AP classes. I have had students get so competitive about their GPA that they take too many AP level classes at once and then they are miserable from the work load. You have to have a good balance so you can still be happy.

  16. I think this is such a great perspective to have, especially for a high school student. You are only young once, you have to be able to sit back and enjoy it. You can still get into a great school, get a great job, and have a great life even if you make room for having a life outside of classes.
