Wednesday, July 14, 2021

College Credit for High Schoolers

 By Keniya B.




  1. These are wonderful programs! We have the AP classes and Dual Enrollment at the high school that I teach at. Many of our students take advantage of these resources and some go to college with 2 years of credit at such a savings!

  2. This infographic does a great job explaining different ways students can earn college credit. There are so many options and figuring out what is best for an individual can be overwhelming for students and guardians. Earning college credit in high school is an amazing opportunity for students to explore disciplines and save money!

  3. This is a great overview of the different options available to students to earn college credit. We have AP classes and Duel Enrollment available where I teach and my sons have experienced both - I feel this gives them a balanced approach - learning from our great AP teachers, with the option of earning credit with the AP exams, and working with the duel enrollment to get a head start in earning actual credits for free.

  4. Thank you for showing us all the options for college credit. I never knew that some of these were offered in North Carolina. It was great to learn about the IB program, I did not know much about it.

  5. It is great to see information made available to high school students about how to earn college credit and essentially cut the costs of college and increase the academic intensity of their high school education.

  6. Thanks for sharing knowledgeable blogpost it's very help ful for us. please keep sharing. please check out here for more info

  7. This is very informative! I am sharing this with my colleagues for the Success 101 course. I know that our students will benefit from this detailed information.

  8. This information is very helpful. While I had a great understanding of AP and DE, I enjoyed reading about the IB program. It is nice to see this information in a one stop shop for all students to review and make decisions on what is best for them.

  9. As the DE contact at my high school, I found this article very interesting. I am unable to weigh in on AP v DE because quite frankly, it is the decision of the student. I will say that for those students who are looking for college credit without the rigor of AP courses, DE is the way to go!
